28 | extraction

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It's been five days

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It's been five days.

Five days may not seem like a lot but when you are kidnapped and getting tortured it feels like a whole mouth. And that's what she's going through.

"Kylian?" Kylo calls out, nudging my shoulder. I clear my throat and lay out the map of the building Ivory is held in.

Isiah made it to the ship before they could leave but it was too late, Ivory and the helicopter were gone. He got the number on the helicopter, whatever that means and after the guy we caught ratted out all he knew -which was just the area they were going to take her to- Isiah tracked down the helicopter.

I wish it was as easy as that. It led us to basically nowhere. We figured out that they arrived at the location by car after that. After Isiah and the best hacker I have went through hundreds of cameras, we figured it out.

Getting that stupid stronzo to talk was hard though. Maybe because the beatings I gave him made him unable to do that. But whatever, maybe he shouldn't have taken my- Ivory.

I remember punching him over and over again. Every few punches, I'd ask if he'd want to talk and he'd always shake his head. He was asking for it. After hours of him not cooperating, I guess I just got frustrated and the punches kept coming.

Well, until Isiah rushed into the room to stop me. "Kylian, I don't know what's up with you man but you're going to kill him and he's our only lead right now. Leave and I'll handle this," I remember him saying to me. All I did was scoff in his face, hit the man's face with my gun, and walk out.

Although I didn't want to admit it, Isiah was right. If I continued, I probably would have killed him and anyone else that bothered me due to my frustration.

That night, I couldn't go to sleep. Not with the thoughts of what they were doing to her in my mind.

But we know where she is. Now it's just time for the extraction.

"Isiah is going to stay in the car on his computer. He will hack into the cameras so he will be our eyes if needed," I start and he nods at my words. "There are a few entrances to this building but Kylo, Riley, and Bella, you lot will go through here. It's quite hidden so you guys should be good."

"Elio along with some others will be with me. We're going to go through this entrance," I point at the roof. Theres a skylight window. It's a simple plan, we break the lock, open the window, and enter with the help of a rope. I mean, yes there were actual doors we could go through but they were out in the open. The Russians would know we found them as soon as we stepped through the doors.

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