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Somehow we've ended up in a club

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Somehow we've ended up in a club. Okay, not somehow since I brought up the idea... But you can't blame me, after everything that has happened I just want some fun.

"Shots, vodka," Kylian tells the bartender and a big grin plasters itself on my face. Ugh, I've been needing this.

And him. I need him. I think I'm just feeling freaky right now...

My eyes still stay on him as I take in all of his pretty features. His pretty blue eyes, pretty thick brows, pretty lips, pretty nose, that one pretty beauty mark below his eye, his pretty curls, and pretty smile. Pretty everything.

I watch as his lips turn into a slight smirk and he turns his arm, putting his arms on the counter. He's fine.

"Can't stop staring?" he teases, his eyes finally meeting mine. I roll my eyes at his comment. But he's right.

His hands slither around my waist and pulls me close to him. Merely inches apart. "What did I tell you love?" he whispers in my ear. "I'm all yours, you can stare all you want."

He is all mine. If a girl thinks otherwise that's her death wish.

"I know," I whisper back with a slight smile. "If you even touch another girl, say goodbye to your dick."

"Oh?" a chuckle escapes his lips. "You know I wouldn't, darling. Especially when I can touch all this." His hands go down my hips and on my ass.

One hand wraps around his neck and I pull him into a kiss. He made me.

"Cockblocking alert!" Isiah exclaims and then starts making alarm noises. Is he serious? I scoff as I pull away from Kylian.

"He can't cockblock if we leave," he mutters into my ear. Okay, so we are both freaky.

The shots finally come and Kylian hands me mine. "Don't get too drunk, Rory," he warns. Blah, blah, blah. That's all I hear.

I drink it all in one go and place the glass back onto the counter. "I forgot how ass that tasted," I grimace.

He laughs and pulls me back closer, "How about we dance, love?" Love. Love. Love. Every time he says it, it still makes me feel some way.

He always makes me feel some way. That's how I know he's the one.

"Yes," I smile at him. I grab his hand and drag him away from the bar. "We're in Las Vegas, we have to have some fun."

With the colourful lights blaring and the music pounding in my ear, it sent adrenaline through my body. I love this feeling.

As I start to dance, he just watches me with a silly smile on his face. Dummy.

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