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My eyes flutter open and when I try to get up, I groan in pain

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My eyes flutter open and when I try to get up, I groan in pain. I look around the room and realise that I'm back in Kylian's house in Italy.

He found me.

The last thing I remember was passing out in his arms. I can't believe he saw me like that. All vulnerable.

My thoughts get stopped as the door opens and a very confused Elio steps in. The confused look quickly gets replaced with a smile as he rushes towards me.

"You're awake," he grins. "Water, please?" I ask and he doesn't hesitate to give me the glass of water on the bedside table. A hi woulda been better but gosh I'm thirsty.

"Never scare me like that again, speedy," he breaths out in relief. A chuckle manages to leave my lips. "I'll try not to, Elio."

His smile falls and he immediately goes into big brother mode. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything? Should I get the doctor? I can-"

Before he can continue, I interrupt his rambling. "Elio," I say softly, playing my hand on his shoulder, "relax, I'm okay. I'm here, with you."

He lets out a sigh that looks like he's been holding on for weeks. "You're right," he agrees. "Do you want me to bring in Isiah, Riley, Kylo, and Bella? They've been so worried."

I nod my head, "Sure." He named everyone but Kylian. Where is he?

He leaves and shortly after, my friends enter the room. "Look who finally decided to wake up," Isiah says with a big grin on his face.

"Gosh, we missed you," Bella squeals, pulling me into a big hug which I wince at. "She's still hurt, Bells," Kylo laughs and pulls her away from me.

"You're just jealous she's all over me and not you," I pout teasingly and he rolls his eyes at me. This feels good. It feels good to be with them and make jokes.

"Gosh, I've missed your jokes," Riley sighs, giving me a small smile. "And I've missed you," I reply.

I never really was the type to have many friends. After I found Isiah, we just stuck together. It was always us two, just a duo. But meeting Riley, Bella, and Kylo made my life so much better. I guess we just became like a family.

"Hey, what about me," Isiah grumbles and ruffles my hair. Not the hair. "Seriously," I look up at him with a glare.

Bella plops down onto the couch. "It was so boring without you, Ivy," she says. "Kylo was driving me crazy too." He gasps at her words, placing his hand on top of his heart. Dramatic.

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