Part #4 🎰

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Software updated!

Longer chapters, a free to use save and log off feature, (sleeping to log off is no longer a needed option), patched more bugs causing errors in system and a better design! Enjoy, beloved user...

Message to reader:

TW: abduction, Stockholm syndrome, suicide, manipulation.

Y/n pov:

"Ehhh, how about no." It could work, but the chances are way to high
He perks up at the sound of your voice,
"We could keep in the disguise idea, just until he stops wandering the halls. Got anything i can use right now?"
"Just a Guard outfit really, he might not see that coming." Sam shrugs.
. . .
"Your mask"
"Your Gas mask. May I wear it for now?"
Sam blinks at you and sighs.
"Keep it, i got spares in the locker room."
You put on the gas mask and ask Sam to hand you the Guard outfit in the locked Locker

2 Items acquired:

🦺 | Guard Outfit
🤿  | Gas Mask

"They're a little bit big on me-"
As you look down at yourself in the guard outfit, you can tell it was going to be a tough ride. What annoyed you the most was that your pants couldn't stay on for the life of you.
Sam snickers as he watches you struggle.
"Shut up and pass me a shoe lace." You glare at him and he puts his hands up in surrender.
"Why a shoelace?" He asks.
"You've never used one as a belt before?"
You just stare awkwardly at each other until you shrug off the conversation and use your own shoelace as a belt.
"There, its way better now." You project confidently. He does a small chuckle and gives you a thumbs up, to which you return.
"You know the exit right?"
"Yeah. I can report movement on the other side of the casino so you can exit safely."
"Sounds perfect to me! Right now, right?"
"Yup." You see him pull out a walkie -talkie and flip a switch to turn it on.

"Hello? Uh Awesamdude reporting some suspicious movement right by the slot machines on the first floor. Description is a Woman with messy, H/C hair and something in her hand, might he a weapon." TCH
"ToonTownStan reporting in, i heard your message and am currently on my way to that location." TCH

"Who is 'ToonTownStan'?"
"Thats Quackity's Codename. Funny right?" You see him smirk at the dumb name.
"Isn't that an old game?"
"Some people never grow out of older phases" Sam shrugs
"We should head to the exit while he's checking the slot machines." He continues.
"Any last words before I have to leave? Best tell each other now." You point out.
"I do actually, you said Quackity is obsessed with you, right?"
You nod in agreement.
"All I have to say is he has good taste." He laughs.
"T-thanks but what the fuck." You giggle a bit.
"Just take the compliment. It doesn't have to be like that." He scoffs.
"I know, I was just a bit confused. You said it out of nowhere." You held hands with him to make sure you didn't get lost, and continued to talk to Sam on the way there. You couldn't help it almost. He was just so personable. If I would have date anyone in this hellhole, it would be him. No way you would date that "toontown" motherf—ker.

"Heyyy, Sam! My dude." A man in the same uniform turns the corner ahead of you both, waving. He seemed to have these weird antennas on his head. You both freeze knowing you were caught. The man freezes in place as he looks at you.
"Hey Sam, you never told me you got a hot girlfriend~" The man smirks. You and Sam freak out and let go of eachothers hand.
"You got the wrong Idea Grayson!" Sam rubs the back of his neck nervously.
"Sure, sure, let's go with that." Grayson giggles.
"Look dude, I would love to talk to you more, but I got to do something, later though?"
"Sure, I just hope her name isn't 'Something'." He giggles at his own joke, "Cya later pretty lady." Grayson waves goodbye and walks off with hands in his pockets. You both sigh in relief.
"That 'Grayson' guy seems a bit flirty." You look up at Sam as you both start continuing the path to the exit.
"I would say he's just a tease, not necessarily flirty" Sam corrects.
"If you insist." you giggle and continue your previous conversation with Sam.

During a debate about your favorite type of hotpockets, Sam interrupts,
"We're here." He points out the two doors infront of you, you sigh In relief. You finally get to go home...
"Thank you, Sam." You hear a giggle from your right.
"I appreciate you bringing my Darling back to me. Shes been a pain recently..." You freeze, now you recognize them... Their voice... Hes here... Did Sam snitch..? You look over at Sam to notice his face painted with fear and surprise. You realize then how f-cked you both were.
"Darling, come to daddy~" he coos (moans?), condescendingly. You stay still, refusing to move or walk torwards him. Sam was doing the same. "Lets make this easier on all of us shall we? Sam, bring her to me and you dont die or get fired... deal?" Quackity smirks and holds out his hand, signaling him to bring you over to him.
"How do I know your not just lying to my face?" Sam asks in an anxious tone.
"Sam, do you know how grateful I would be if you returned the love of my life to me? Yes your games irritate me but... as long as I get her back your safe."

You feel Sam grab your arm and pull you towards Quackity a bit.
"Before I hand her over, I must request something..."
"SAM PLEASE! The exit is right there, we can both run away and get out of this hell! You shout and try to squirm out of Sam's grasp unsuccessfully.
"I'm sorry..." he whispers to you, "I will make sure to visit and keep his abuse to you at a minimum."
"What is your request, Sam?" Quackity's face turns impatient and irritated.
"You have to let me visit Y/N to make sure she is ok and sane. It is my job as a security guard to make sure people stay safe." Sam projects confidently. You both hope he accepts Sam's offer, life would be so much easier for you in that hell of a room. If you could even call it one. You see Quackity sigh at sam and growl almost a bit.
"Ugh Fine. 1h a month, thats all your getting. Now hand my darling over please."
"Your so desperate for Y/N." Sam teases and walks you over to Quackity, despite your squirming. You squeal and cry out begging Sam to let go to no evail. When your finally in Quackity's grasp, he hugs you tightly.
"Finally..." he giggles "I was so worried you would leave me, but your here now. The plan can continue still I guess." He sighs at the thought of the plans he was making for you.
"W-what were the plans..? To hurt me?" You remark with fear.
"Hurt? HURT?! You hurt me just saying that, what kind of monster do you take me as?" You hear slight pain in his voice.
"I'll just spoil the surprise since you obviously think i'm going to abuse you for as long as you live... I was finishing up a penthouse suite for us, that is once you were obedient. Now we have to redo all that work..." he tilts your head up to look at him, you felt despair, you had to go back to that basement again for what you thought was a year.
"You can go back to your post, Sam."
"Before I do, how did you know we would be here?"
"Well you see, I sent someone else over to check that area for me, since I was busy talking to a client up front. Not to mention, once I heard my darling's voice in this room, I rushed over." You watch Quackity glare at Sam with a smirk on his face.
"I-I see..." Sam backs away a bit and walks our the room without another word. Once Sam's footsteps can no longer be heard, you hear Quackity whisper seductively in your ear,
"Your all mine now, lets get you back to your room, shall we, Darling~?


Incoming Transmission from:
YO! END OF DIS StoryYYY! And i think im gunna get off Wattpad for a while, i will be here to reply to comments and maybe actually finish the Karl one. ANYWAY LUV YALL
Transmission ended

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