☢️ DSMP_SCP#1☣️

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Message to reader:





Slant: inner thoughts





You had recently received a TWIT LONGER SIZED letter in the mail a couple days ago from the government. Apparently you needed to "Serve your country" or something. At least you weren't being drafted to the military like you thought, but they wanted you to go to a specific location which worried you a bit. You didn't want trouble with the FBI so you do the smart thing and started driving to the location. You are currently driving into the dirt patch next to the location.

"Woo! That took long enough.." you park your car and get out. You look towards the direction where the location is and your eyes are met with a thick forest.

"Great... this shouldn't take long though, its just right here!" You reassure yourself. You walk in your professional shoes (heels or regular nice shoes) and head into the deep forest.

"Damn it i should've just worn comfy shoesss." You drag on.

A few minutes later you hear the siri on your phone blurt out,
"You have arrived at your destination." And you look directly in front of you to find a clean white table with a woman sitting in it. You fix your tie as you walk up to her

You look her up and down, shes wearing a black business suit with loop earrings, a mask over her face (not a covid mask, you pick though) and she had some pointy ears and a big pirate hat. Her long poofy hair went down to her shoulders and were a brilliant white.

"Y/N, I presume?" She glances up at you and looks back down to get papers from her suitcase.
"Yes, that would be me." You reply, standing awkwardly. She sets everything on the table and turns the paper to face you on the table. You take this hint and sit down in the chair in front of you.

"And just to clarify, you have 4 years in human psychology and studied a bit in animal psychology, correct?" You jolt your head up to face her in surprise. How does she know i was interested in that for a while? I only looked up videos- never took a class in animal psychology-

"Uh, y-yes I have." You reply, puzzled

"Perfect! Just sign those papers and we'll get you set up for your first day tomorrow! The papers I gave you should have what you will need for tomorrow." She straightens her back and crosses her legs, waiting for you to do something.

"Oh- and what exactly am I doing?"

"Right- did the note not tell you?" She questions
"No, sadly" you shake your head and she seems disappointed to hear this.

"I'll have to check Punz about that... Ahem," she starts "you will be making sure our patients are kept at a sane enough level. You will be a therapist for them of sorts. Don't worry though, you will be kept from harms way. There will be precautionary measures in place for you that you will learn about tomorrow." She smiles warmly at you.

"You say this like I'm going to take the job, why is that?" Her frown fades a bit hearing you say this, but it turns into a smirk.

"Because you dont have a choice. Either you agree to it, or we fake your death and force you to work." She says, leaning in towards you.

"Alright- guess i'll choose the easy way. And your intimidation tactics wont work on me. It could use better physical expression, and you could've elaborated on the idea of my loved ones thinking I'm dead." You rant, you feel a little bad for nerding out but she seems to be intrigued.

"Huh, thanks for the advice Y/N. I forgot to mention but you can call me Captain Puffy, or just Puffy. You'll get your codename soon." She holds out her hand and you shake it. She smiles and you finish signing the paper.

"Perfect," she takes the paper from you and puts it neatly in her folder. "Follow me, and dont worry about your car. Its safe." She gets up with her suitcase and folder and starts walking into a random direction in the forest.

"W-wait! What about the table and chairs?" You exclaim and she pauses.

"Just leave it, the guardian will take care of it." She smiles and keeps walking deeper into the forest. You catch up to her and look around.
"Im kind of worried, Im not sure what to expect when we get there." You giggle.
"Oh, right. Well you know that one scp game right?" You hum in agreement
"Well its like that, but we dont call it SCP. We call it or them the DSMPMH projects."
"Thats a mouthful if i do say so myself." You both giggle.
"Yeah, it is at first, but you get used to it."
"What does it stand for?"
"That is classified." She sighs. "You'll find out later though." She reassures.

You notice her stop and you look at the direction she was facing, only to be met with a decent sized, short building that had a camouflage roof and white outer walls. You look over to see a field that was twice the size of the building, which wasn't that large to begin with.

"You keep prisoners in this small place?" You tilt your head.
"Never judge a book by its cover." She smirks at you and walks up to the doors holding one open for you.
"Pretty ladies first~" she bows slightly and you giggle.
"I think you should be walking in first but i'll take the compliment." You giggle and she blushes slightly.
"Aw thank you!" She smiles and walks in after you.

You walk in to the building to find a lively room, but not in a good way. You see people running past you and out of doors nearby with papers in their hands or coffee. The woman at the front desk was frantically grasping at the phone and dialing a number as fast as she could. Puffy looks around and grumbles,

"A breach, perfect timing", as she walks up to the front desk.

"Who got out?"

"DXD#402 and W-" the receptionist is cut off by a red light flashing and a man over the speaker system.

"Threat level 3 evacuation. This is not a drill. Exit to the bunkers or find the nearest exit. If you are too far from an exit, please seek a secure hiding place until procedure is over."

This causes an eruption of people rushing towards the exit. Puffy drags the receptionist out of her chair and starts shoving her towards the exit. You were stood in fear, you couldn't help but shake at the sudden chaos. You try to calm yourself but you feel the arms of someone, trying picking you up. You look at the person in shock but are relieved to see it was Puffy. She gives you a reassuring smile and runs out the door with you in her arms.

You and her run with other workers to a big bunker that seemed to be near the main building. At least i know where it is incase this happens again.

"Hey, Puffy, you don't have to keep carrying me. Don't want to make you tired or give you extra work." You smirk at her and she blushes slightly realizing she had been carrying you the whole way there almost.

"O-oh! Right- sorry." She sets you down and keeps walking

"And your not that hard to carry, your pretty light to me."

"Really? You work out a lot I assume?" You look at her with interest.

"Its a long story but we're here, we'll talk once we're safe inside. She smiles and slides down the ladder quickly into a manhole looking entrance. You follow behind her as to not get lost. When you get in you see its a 2 story bunker full of all rooms and a large kitchen at the far opposite end. Which is also 2 stories tall. You follow Puffy into one of the rooms to find a mini bedroom. She locks the door and sighs. You close your eyes and do the same.

Puffy POV:
I lock the door and sigh. Finally, safety at last.
"Sorry about that, I wasn't-" I was stopped by the realization that Y/N was gone. But how? I start looking around the room to find any trace of them, but they just disappeared.
"Y/n..?" Oh my god what have I done...


Part 1 end
Incoming message from:
Also i have learned from my horrible writing and i am going to try to make this book better than the others

Transmission end

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