06| Hospital

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I made sure the windows were closed and clocked; my paranoia had me run a whole search check throughout the house. I felt terrified knowing someone was spying on me; I let out a soft sigh and flopped onto the couch next to Adonis. My fingers playing with his soft brown fur as I grabbed the remote and switched the TV on; some vintage horror movie called Frankenstein was playing. As I get comfortable on the couch, Adonis gets up and walks into the kitchen; I look at my phone to see a text message from Hyunjin.

Hyunjin has been keeping tabs on me since last night's event; he would text me every ten minutes. I set the phone on the coffee table, giving the TV my full attention.

A smile formed on my lips as I heard the iMessage tone; I unlocked my phone to see a text from an unknown number. I frowned, and without hesitation, I called Hyunjin. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He blurted out; I let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm okay, just I—" I paused, feeling embarrassed and shy for no reason, "You don't want to be alone, do you?" Hyunjin asked. I huffed, "Y...yeah, I'm sorry." I said. Hyunjin chuckles lightly, "It's okay; I can be at your place in ten, maybe five minutes." He said I could hear him rustling with papers.

"Okay, ring the doorbell when you get here," I said, looking at the kitchen, but Adonis was nowhere to be found, "Will do love; see you in a bit," He said, hanging up. I tossed my phone on the couch and stepped into the kitchen only to see Adonis's water bowl empty, "Adonis?!" I called out. I turned the lights on quickly, noticing the doggy door was open. I stepped outside, but Adonis wasn't out. I sighed and walked back inside, "Adonis, come here, boy!" I called out again.

I walk up the stairs and to my room, "Adonis," I call out, but not a single bark or sight of him. Panic begins to rise in me. I look around for Adonis-like a maniac, "Adonis!" I raised my voice more, running out of my room and down the stairs. The doorbell rang; I rushed to the door and opened it. "Thank God you're here," I said, worried and panicky. Hyunjin looked concerned as well, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked, setting his bookbag on the floor by the shoe rack. "No, it's Adonis," I said. Hyunjin walks in, closing the door behind him.

"Adonis?" He asked. I looked at him. His eyes soften, "My dog Adonis, he's missing. I have been looking everywhere for himself." My voice softly cracking, Hyunjin holds me by my shoulders. "Deep breaths, maybe he's around here. You just have to look in unexpected places," Hyunjin said with a small smile; I nodded. "Keep looking inside; I'll go see if he's out in the front or back," Hyunjin said, patting my head softly. I let out a huff of breath before walking to the basement. I heard the back door open. I opened the secret passage, but he wasn't there.

"Lexie!!" Hyunjin called out; I ran upstairs to see him walking in, holding Adonis. I rushed over to him, "I found him lying next to a bush by the side door." Hyunjin said. "He needs a vet, Lexie," He implied.  I grabbed my bag, "The keys?" I asked. I grabbed his bookbag, "In my pocket," Hyunjin said. "Back pocket," I fished out the keys to his jeans, and we rushed out of the house and to his black Nissan. "Sit in the back and hold him steady," Hyunjin instructed as I opened the back passenger door and settled in; he placed Adonis on my lap. I held him close, "It's okay," I whispered to Adonis as Hyunjin started the car.

Hyunjin was driving cautiously yet fast; I looked down at Adonis and then up at Hyunjin. "We're almost there," He said; I continued to hold Adonis closer. Tears were submerging my eyes as the car stopped abruptly, "Sir you can't—- get the doctor!" A nurse called out as Hyunjin opened the passenger door; he took Adonis from my grasp. I followed behind him and the nurses. My heart was pounding as the doctor and a nurse put Adonis on bedding, Hyunjin grabbed my arm gently. "We have to wait," Hyunjin said, I let the tears fall. "What happened miss?" The nurse asked. I look at her, "We found him outside, we're not sure what happened." Hyunjin answered the nurse's question.

I hope Adonis is okay and it's not serious.

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