Prologue: New Job

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I stopped by the mailbox hoping for some good news today, "Adonis, halt." I told the Golden Retriever, I pulled out the mail; there were letters addressed to Sarah and Sophie. Only one was addressed to me; I locked the mailbox before walking up the steps.

Walking up the porch stairs, Adonis barked. "Hey, you, done with your morning jog?" Sarah asked with a faint smile. I hand her the mail, "How's Sophie?" I asked. Sarah sighs as she gets up, and follows Adonis inside the house. I bit my bottom lip and followed behind, "I worked all day for this shit!?" Axel slammed Sophie's bedroom door and came rushing down the stairs. "Hello to you as well..." I muttered as Axel slammed the front door on his way out.

Sarah and I exchanged looks before running upstairs and to Sophie's room, "Soph, you okay!?" Sarah called out, knocking on the door. Sarah pulls out the spare key; we step inside. Sophie was puking her guts out in the bathroom; Sarah rushed in to help her. I leaned against the door frame, "What happened?" I asked. Sophie sobs, "Axel found out about me being an erotic performer,". I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance, "You didn't tell him?! Sophie, why didn't you tell Axel?" I asked.

Sophie pukes even more; Sarah sends me a soft glare. "Sophie, how did Axel find out?" Sarah asked, "I...Jungkook told him about it; he found the website." Sophie cries and looks at me. "Your stupid boyfriend told him before I could." She sobs. I exhaled sharply and walked out of her bedroom; I stormed into my bedroom and grabbed my phone.

Jungkook didn't answer his phone until the fourth ring, "Hey babe, I'm sorry for getting to your call late," He said. I rolled my eyes, "Oh, cut the crap Jungkook, you told Axel about Sophie's job?! Are you fucking kidding me?! You had no right to meddle in," I said, letting him know that I was very pissed off and irritated. I could hear whispers on his end; I pressed my tongue inside my cheek. Oh, he's fucking dead meat, "Baby, you know that Axel is a very good friend of mine, and he was worried that Sophie was cheating on him. So I did what any friend would do, you know." Jungkook said, letting out a shaky breath. No doubt he's out fucking someone. "Oh shut the fuck up, Jungkook, don't ever meddle in a relationship that isn't yours," I said, hanging up.

I sighed in frustration; Adonis ran into my bedroom and nudged my leg. "Yes, I know...I know." I whispered, patting his head as I sat down on my bed. I took a deep breath and looked at Adonis, "Okay, I'm calm now...what am I going to do about Jungkook? Should I break up with him? I mean, I just discovered he's been cheating on me with Charlotte," I said. Adonis barked and placed his paw on my lap. "What would you know, Adonis? You're a pup. A baby who lives without a care in the world." I whispered and ruffled his soft golden hair.

"Hey, you okay?" Sarah asked; I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, just thinking...I'm thinking of breaking things off with Jungkook." I said, getting up from the bed. Sarah looked perplexed, "You're really gonna do it?" She asked. I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, besides, why would I give him another opportunity to cheat on me." I said. Sarah nods, "True, so have you heard any news from the internship?" She asked. I gasped and looked for the beige envelope; it was sitting on the desk. I opened the letter and began to read it carefully, "At least I got good news today," I said with a grin. "Did you get it?!" Sarah asked with a smile, I nodded, and we both squealed. "HWANG Enterprises, wow, Lexie this is great news," Sarah said.

I sighed in relief, "It is; I can't believe it." I whispered as I looked at the letter. This is the new start I was looking for.

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