2. late nights with ranboo

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one of the main reasons my sleep schedule was so bad, is because of ranboo. don't get me wrong he is a great friend but he gets me to stream with him at 3AM, but he thinks i sleep before we stream.

Boo <3
yoooo tubbo want to stream ?

sure !


i really am tired of having to stay up almost every night with ranboo, sure i have fun, but i was so damn tired.

i joined the vc ranboo was in, he simply greeted me with a "hey tubbo how are you !" obviously i said im fine but i knew very well i wasn't, but, i can't let him know that

we continued playing minecraft and streaming for the next 3 hours, god its 6AM, you can easily tell by my voice im exhausted but ranboo didn't notice

he doesn't care about you

he is using you for views

clearly he hates you

i was starting to believe my "voices". i overthink for a few minutes and suddenly hear my name being called

"tubbo ? hello ?"

my eyes were teared up but i managed to respond with a quick "yeah ?"
"you good ?" ranboo said
"sorry i zoned out for a sec haha" i attempted to laugh it off, he didn't say anything. god, why do i always mess things up

ranboo POV:

tubbo was acting a little different but he was probably just tired, he is literally always so cheerful so i doubt anything would be wrong. plus, i would know since im his bestfriend !

tubbo went silent so i asked him
"you good ?"
he didnt respond but then i heard a mumbled
"sorry i zoned out for a sec haha"
it seemed like he was thinking about something personal so i didn't say anything.

my mind was telling me something wasn't right with tubbo but i was convinced that he was just fine, he would tell me if there was anything wrong, right ?

i heard a message from my discord so i quickly paused stream and went over to check it. dream ?

hey ranboo could you make check up on tubbo ? he was online very late last night and says he couldn't sleep

for a moment i was confused, i streamed with tubbo the night before and he asked me if we could skip a stream the next day so he could get some rest, i obviously agreed but now im finding out he ended up not sleeping at all ?

i started typing

uh yeah sure

i opened dms to ask tubbo but i remembered
im on call with him, he was so quiet i forgot.
i decided to speak up
"hey tubbo"
"uhh yeah ?" he said
"have you gotten any sleep last night ? just want to make sure since you seem a little more tired than usual" i tried to act like dream didnt just message me saying tubbo didn't sleep last night
"yeah of course i did big man ! no worries !"
ah there it is, that loud happy voice, im sure tubbo is completely fine and probably slept during the day !

we continued streaming for a few more hours

wooo chapter 2 is done ! im meant to be doing homework rn but wattpad is way more important, hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter cause i had fun writing it !

words: 557

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