4. the upcoming meet up

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tubbo POV:

it's been a week since i last talked to anyone, i ignored all of ranboos messages, they were basically all asking me to stream with him. he doesn't care, no one does.

i went over to my pc for the first time in a week and turned it on, i opened discord and suddenly my dms started flooding with messages

hey tubbo your finally online !

yoo tubbo

tommy the great 💪

hey tubbo how's it going ?

sappynappy 😡
hi !

and more

everyone was acting so weird, they were acting like i was going to die in 5 minutes. ive never gotten this much messages all at once

can you join our vc ?

is there one day where he doesn't want something from me ?
i agreed anyway.

i shortly found myself in a vc with pretty much everyone that texted me earlier

so i was thinking that we should all meet up soon, if thats okay with you all ? we have known each other for a while now so i think it would be a good idea ! dream said

my stomach dropped
no way im going, what if they find out about everything im hiding from them

the vc was filled with yes's until tommy asked me


"eh i probably wont be allowed to, sorry"
hopefully that will convince them

dream started speaking
"no worries tubbo me and wilbur already spoke to your parents and they agreed, its not for long anyway"


"oh thats great then !" i was trying to act happy, but i was devestated

im so done with this.

chapter 4 is done woop woop
have a great day/night everyone !

words: 293

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