8. what's wrong with tubbo ?

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tubbo POV:

i walked into mine and tommy's room and surprisingly it was quite big, we had our own bathroom which was good.

my bed was in the far left corner while tommy's was on the far right corner, we had a huge window in between our beds and nightstands next to our bed which we both put random things on. there was a walk-in closet which we divided up equally so tommy would get one side to put his clothes and i would get the other, our desks were across from each other near our beds. the room was over-all pretty big and had a lot of space to just mess around in.

after i was finished un-packing i jumped onto my bed and it was actually comfortable, unlike the one i had at home. tommy came back into the room with chocolate, he offered some to me but i declined

we talked for a while until we heard dream shouting "EVERYONE COME DOWN HERE WE HAVE FOOD" oh no, i forgot that i'm going to have to eat in front of all of them

tommy rushed down the stairs while i slowly made my way down to the kitchen, i hear tommy say "TUBBO COME HERE THERE'S MC DONALDS !!" i walked over to the table and sat in between ranboo and tommy

everyone has started eating while i sat there staring at my food, ew, just the sight of it made me gag.

"tubbo are you gonna eat ?" wilbur said
everyone looked over to me, i started panicking thinking of excuses
"oh haha you know im not actually that hungry since i ate on the plane" i muttered out
"ah okay" wilbur sounded relieved, i just sat there for a few more minutes until i got the courage to speak up "hey guys may i be excused since i really don't feel like eating because im not hungry" they all nodded and i ran up to my room

a little while later tommy came back upstairs and said "hmm wanna do a laptop chatting stream tubs ?" i responded with a "sure" and he opened up his laptop and set up the stream

"WHATS UP EVERYONE HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING" he yelled, that hurt my poor ears. we talked about some random shit with the chat until we both got tired and decided to end. my ears felt like they were bleeding at this point, he was way too loud.

he got up and went over to his bed and sat down while i did the same, but instead of sitting onto my bed, i pretty much collapsed. i put my airpods in and listened to some spotify and slowly drifted off to sleep

tommy POV:

once tubbo got up and left the table everyone started talking again like nothing happened, but me and ranboo looked at each other confused. what tubbo said didn't sound like he was being honest but we both eventually brushed it off and continued eating

i walked up the stairs while thinking of things i could do since i was pretty bored, i saw tubbo laying on his bed and decided to ask him if he would like to do a laptop stream and he agreed so i pulled out my laptop and we started streaming, if im being completely honest, tubbo looked kind of uncomfortable and tired so after an hour of streaming we decided to end and get some rest, i was editing a youtube video while tubbo put in his airpods and started listening to music and he soon after fell asleep

i finished editing my youtube video, i was so bored. i made my way to ranboo's room mainly to annoy him but also because i had nobody else to talk to

"hey ranbooo" dragging the 'o' at the end of his name 'hey tommm' he replied back to me, i asked him what he was doing and he was just scrolling through tiktok

"it might be just me or is tubbo acting a little..." i hesitated but before i could continue ranboo said "different ? yeah, i agree. he just hasn't been himself" i nodded back, "yeah, what do you think happened ? tubbo is usually happy and cheerful" he simply replied with "im not sure, but whatever it is we need to find out"


words: 748

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