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How is it that everything looks fine, doesn't look like there was a fire in this house just two days ago? I asked myself looking around the kitchen and dining. Its weird; the house should have turned to ash or totally decimated for that much fire.

How come everything looks okay? The garden, backyard, front lawns all the same, not even a burnt grass except a black spot on the kitchen wall. How come it is possible, should I ask the neighbours as they were the one who saw the house catching on fire? Maybe I should. I am wondering as to ask them or not and guess what even the universe wants me to try it as I saw Mrs. Craig passing by. Wow.

"Mrs. Craig, good evening, how is you?"

"Oh my, good evening, Zaela. I am great. How are you child?" she said

"I am a lot better now. I was told by my mother that you called her about the fire incident. Thank you so much." I humbled

"No need to thank me. I just called your parents. Oh My God!!! Also, you should better thank the boy next door; he brought you out of the fire and took you to the hospital, such a fine child." She informed me, though I don't like the way she speaks but her voice is better than the one I have in my head.

"The boy next door, you mean young Mr. Austin helped me out and not my father?" I asked

"NO, no. Your parents went directly to the hospital. That boy took you out of there like he was some fine fireman." She said palming her face with her cheeks burning into a red turnip

"Thanks anyway Mrs. Craig. I will make sure to thank Austin's too." Later.

"Anytime darling, take care."

Sweet! If you want to know anything happening around the locality Mrs. Craig is the person to approach. But the boy next door means the one who studies in Creyta Academy. Nice that he is home but how come I didn't see him for the past two days. I was in my thoughts of visiting my neighbours and Kiyara pings me saying she will be here in a minute or two.

"Hey! Welcome."

"Thanks Zee, Aunt and uncle are at work I guess." Asked Kiyara

"Yes, they are and as for me your dad advised me to take things easy so I am taking a break from dance class."

"It's good for your health as I heard now that you are even falling from bed." Teased Kiyara.

"Don't start with me. Come here I have something to show you." I asserted her to the kitchen where that spot was and to my utter shock, she is fine with that.

"Kiyara, don't you think it is weird that this is the damage from that fire?" I asked.

"Are you alright Zaela, did you hit your head again." she pats my shoulder "Come on, let's have a seat first and then we will talk, you don't look fine." she continued

"Wait upstairs in my room, I will just come." I followed her a few minutes later with some drinks and biscuits to eat. But why did she ask me if I hit my head, it is weird because I didn't. Resting the serving plate on the bed between both of us and while offering her a glass of smoothie I asked her, who informed her about the incidents.

"My father called us and informed that you got admitted. Why?" she answered

"Alright, how did you get to know about the fire?" I asked

"What's wrong with you zee, of course my father as it was written in your case file."

"Who submitted that case file; I mean who wrote that it was fire." I pressed. Agitated she replied, "Zee of course the one who took you to the hospital, your parents."

"So, my parents took me to the hospital and wrote down that I was caught in the house fire and collapsed; right." I reframed.

"Yes, and my father told us that you must have hit your head before losing consciousness that's why the shock stayed and the reason for your headache." She added. While cracking those cookies she is also cracking as what I may be up to and I have full confidence that she will but still I have to clear all the blurriness and let the ends meet.

"By any means do you know how big the fire was?" I questioned.

"What kind of stupid question is this, of course I know. It was not big. Not to the point of collapsing, even a child could have taken it under control. I am still wondering how you could collapse like that?" she demanded

"Bear with me a little more my friend but was it my father who told you or anyone that the fire was meagre and nothing much of a deal?"

"No, my father told me that, but of course it would be your father who told everyone about the fire as he took you the hospital zee. But why are you asking all these things? Its getting weird." she claimed

"You know kie, when the house caught on fire my parents were at work and I was sleeping in my room. It was the neighbours who woke me up and informed my parents."

"So?" she interrupted

"So, the question that arises is how does my father know the scale of fire, if it was meagre then by the time he would come it would have been wiped off as it did not catch the whole house, Right?" I stated.

"So, you are saying that Mr. Grimore didn't know the scale of fire. So, what of it, what are you getting at?"

"Oh God, you klutz, all I am saying is that it was not my father took me to the hospital. Someone else did." I blurted out

"What, are you crazy, if not him then who?" she asked. I know that she is confused but only she can understand me right now none else.

"Listen carefully; when we got back from hospital, nobody talked about the fire not even did they ask me how did the fire start? Doesn't all this look fishy and weird regarding my mother's personality, she should have complained once or twice?"

She is uncertain but answered me somehow, "So you are saying that either your parents are lying or mine or the neighbours, right?"

"Correct. And here is the twist, my neighbour and Mrs. Craig." I asserted

"What about them, did they put your house on fire?"

"It's the opposite." Pacing back and forth I reach my window and look outside. "They are the saviour; Mrs. Craig was the one who called my parents about fire." I continued

"What?" She interrupted

"Exactly, and according to Mrs. Craig my whole house was on fire, she told me that it is a miracle I survived it." I said "even I could remember, though I was losing consciousness but I still remember that my room was filled with smoke and fire, the whole backyard was ablaze and I passed out because of smoke not of shock." I delivered.

"Are you crazy, if for a chance what you are saying is true then we wouldn't be sitting here, and the house would turn into a ruin and you would be dead?" she yelled

Her expression tells me how much of shocking news this is to her. But then she said something unimaginable. "If you are right then who saved you and how does your house look normal." Now she is pacing back and forth in the room and I am leaning on the window facing her.

"Could it be your neighbour, I remember you talking about Mrs. Craig and your neighbour as a saviour. But how could they, they are never home, even now the house looks empty, if it's their son then again, he doesn't live here I remember you mentioning that he is never home and that he is a Creytanite" she paused a little and looked at me and asked again "Why are you grinning?"

"Because you my friend is very awesome." And then I telecasted everything to her.


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