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"Vicktor, I am telling you let's shift her to a boarding school. Its better to push early than to regret later." Says Michella.

"She is still young and after that incident few days ago, I think we have to let go of the idea of boarding school, Michella." Responds Vicktor.

"Include me too as its about me." I spoke

"You stay out of it." both my parents shut me out.

Great I just blew it all away. My life kind of zigzagged a little since that evening with Kiyara. My most awaited day turned disastrous. I was supposed to wake up with flower and gift around me and my mom and dad standing with my birthday cake and cards in their hands at my bed post. No, nothing that sort happened; all that is happening is an argument over sending me to a boarding school. Great!

"It's my birthday people, a hug and few kisses won't hurt." I sulked.

"Happy birthday sweetheart and your present is awaiting you in your study drawer."

"I love you." I blow my father a kiss and rush towards my study drawer and there you are, what was I expecting after an average score of three A's. I should know my place but still it hurts as I worked really hard.

"Father" I yelled "really this is my turning 17 gifts, a book on 'how to control your senses'".

"Of course, you have to control yourself as you are breaking rules." My mother lashed out on me.

"Mother that was a once in a blue moon thing." I countered.

"Of course it was my child, you coming home at 10 were an accident, alright, I accept. But what was that 3 days ago on Sunday."

"Mother please, don't be sarcastic. And that was an accident too. I came out of my dance school and saw a child performing some circus tricks so I watched a little. Where is the wrong in this?"

"Yes, a child on top of ablaze spinning hula hoop juggling some clubs and bottle, that one, right?" my mom mocked.

"Yes, exactly that." I affirmed. The atmosphere became chilly in our dining hall when the day outside is sunny, and my awesome father is watching us bickering while sipping his tea.

"That's impossible; else that child would have been burnt." My mom retorted.

"Mother, I am telling the truth." I pressed.

"It's alright if you don't want to tell us but stop with the white lie Zaela. None of your friends from class remembers any child on the street not to mention the one performing on hula hoop." She enraged.

"For god's sake mother, it's my birthday today. At least have faith in me, why will I ever lie to you?"

Letting out a sigh she said "Yes I am also confused as to why did you lie?"

There is a sudden pause in this heated conversation between a daughter and her mother and for my own relief I will make sure to kill those bitches that lied with a straight face.

"And what about yesterday, was that an accident too because there was no one performing?" My mother enraged question drew me out of my thought.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? I don't know why nobody saw it but I could see it clearly like with magnifying glasses, that boy was there across the street behind the Tower building and I am not lying, there was even an accident around that area." I huffed.

"You should be home by 7 but you came at 10 and the accident that happened in that area was around midnight, now tell us where did that boy go if he was there from 7. And why did the accident happen only around mid-night? And how did you know that there was an accident when you were already home by 10?" my mom questioned again.

"Please believe me he was there and more over he was injured and was breathing heavily, there were bruises all over him." I answered.

"According to you a boy suddenly appears there out of nowhere who was injured and only you saw him. Right Zaela?" asked my dad

"Yes, my lord, those are my words." I responded.

"Whereas according to Michella, Zaela is lying as the incidents she is describing are all superficial. Right?" Questions my father.

"You too share my thoughts; don't make me the bad person here." Answered my mom

"I have listened to both of you and with all due respect to the proof and facts, I Vicktor, have reached to this decision that both the sides are suffering from mental breakdown and need a break from their stressful life." Says my dad. With all the tension hanging in the air I thought that he was going to send one of us to jail or capital punishment would have happened.

My dad, sometimes he does these kinds of lame gags but honestly, he is a very famous lawyer around the globe - that's what he says though- I have my doubts.

"Vicktor you should better start telling your daughter to stop reading crazy books and concentrate on her study. And yes, we will be sending Zaela to an all-girls boarding school in Ardal and that's my final verdict." My mom commanded.

My mother lashed out her orders and screwed my birthday and life. Warm sunrays peeking through the window caress mine and my father's hand who are now sitting on the dining table gloomily. Grabbing my hand he said. "I may be the best lawyer around the continent but what Michella said is the best choice for you and even I can't argue her on this."

"You too dad, you also believe that I am making all these brazen lies; do I look crazy?"

"No, my daughter won't lie to hide something, but hear your own words do any of it make sense, in a place this calm and quiet? Put a thought to it and then decide whether we are right or wrong."

"I read it in a book in your study father, some similar occurrences were described in it. I know this place is too far and distant from the world you used to tell me stories of, but I am not crazy." I try to justify myself.

"Understood, I should have been more careful in telling you stories or maybe more detailed, even though, your case is closed my darling Michella had given her verdict and I do think that your mother is right." Replies my father

"If boarding school is the only plausible solution here to my outrageous and unpardonable conducts than rather than to a school in Ardal I would prefer The Creyta Academy."

"Taken into consideration, i will do my best and once again negotiate with your mother. Now go to your room and rest, Kiyara is coming over today, right?" He pats my head and leaves me alone in the hall.

Stairs to my room looked eternity long as my mind wondered off to the place of facts, reasons, and logics. Soon I forgot that it is my birthday and the excitement to choose a new school is replaced by an unidentified fear of something crazy. When did I reach my bed, I could not tell at all? Lying on my bed I fell asleep with cozy sunlight pouring through the curtain of my bed room window. My sleep was peaceful until I reached the deepest part of my subconscious where I was viewing those incidents with an aerial view, it felt like I am having a third eye vision, though this is not new to me. Soon my subconscious visions changes into a dream where I am standing outside a magnificent and glorious castle wearing a red gown, happily going around the castle, laughing and making merry with workers there, even having a pleasant tea time like a princess I am now of that castle.


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