Hope's Pov

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¨Please, please spare me, show me mercy." I rolled my eyes at the pleading man.
¨Did you not show me how merciful you were when you killed thirty of my men.¨ I pressed my M19 against his head and pulled the trigger. I watched as his body slumped forward and hit the ground. The blood seeping through the cracks on the floor. ¨We're done here. Crescent Pack move out.¨ With my command, my enforcers left the estate of Landon Kirby.
¨Alpha,¨ my second Jed approached me. One look at his face told me nothing good was going to come out of his mouth. I nodded acknowledging that he could speak. ¨Our men in the southwest quadrant have sent a distress beacon. It's the Parker twins.¨ I growled, the Parker twins have been a thorn in my organization's side for many years. Preceding me my parents had been battling with the Parker twins, and of course as the two biggest mafias in Mystic falls we clashed constantly.
¨Get my car ready¨ I told the lanky man. He crossed his arms across his chest as a sign of respect and left to prepare the car. Parker twins I thought to myself staring in the direction of the distress tonight we end this once and for all.
We arrived at the point where the call originated. I stepped out of the car and the scene before me was intriguing. Surrounded by twenty of my men were two women. One blonde who wore sunglasses and one brunette who wore a mask. Both women were taking down my men with no sign of struggle. I raised my hand and my men halted.
¨Enough¨ I shouted across the square. Both women looked at me. ¨Who are you?¨ I asked. The blonde stepped forward.
¨Elizabeth and Josette Parker of the Parker twins¨ The brunette stayed silent and only glared at me. I couldn't help but notice her brown eyes. ¨And you are?¨ The blonde asked back.
¨Hope Mikaleson alpha of the Crescent Pack.¨ I replied. The brunette tugged on the blonde's arm alerting her to the snipers I had posted on the roofs of the surrounding buildings.
¨Well it was lovely to meet you Ms. Mikaleson, but as my sister has alerted me to your snipers we must take our leave. ¨ Both women grabbed their pistols and shot smoke bombs they threw out of their pockets. A couple of my men had taken shots but to no avail.
¨Damn it" I muttered underneath my breath. ¨Jed¨ I called out. A second later he was by my side.
¨Yes alpha?¨ I motioned at one of the others in my pack.
¨Take Raf with you and find out who these Parker twins are.¨
¨As you wish alpha¨ both men saluted and left. I stared at the spot where the brunette stood, then got in my car and left.

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