Hope's POV

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I was a little sad about the brunette's departure, but who wants to be a prisoner. I felt a buzzing in my pocket and pulled out my phone.


Hey, it's Josie

I smiled and quickly typed back.


I wasn't sure if you would keep in touch with me.


After I had just started cracking that tough exterior, no way.


Well, we never really did talk about you.


I feel like that's better suited for in person. The docks, tonight?


I'll be there

A sudden knocking drew my attention away from my phone.

"Who's got you smiling?" Freya teased. I rolled my eyes.

"No one, but anyway, I'm glad you're here. I have an appointment tonight, so Jed is in charge, and please keep people from being stupid." Freya laughed at my analysis of the pack. "Also, one more thing, could you teach me how to sign?" A smirk made its way into my aunt's face.

"Sure, but you know that it's not something you can learn overnight, right?" I nodded.

"I know, but It's necessary. Josette has shown me that more people need to be able to sign. I can't just rely on you because you were smart and learned when I refused to learn all those years ago." Freya sat next to me.

"Alright, then let's begin."

I arrived at the docks and saw the brunette at the edge dangling her feet off.

"Josie," the brunette turned to me. She removed her mask, and I could see that she was smiling. I took a deep breath and attempted to sign. How are you? Josie's eyes widened as she signed back fine. How are you?

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to sign much. I just started learning from my aunt." Josie nodded and pulled out her phone.

"You surprise me Mikaelson, why are you trying to learn how to sign?"

"Because I wish to be able to communicate with you without relying on my aunt or someone else," I replied. Josie nodded and patted the dock next to her. I sat down, and Josie typed into her phone.

"So, Mikaelson, what do you want to know about me?" I laughed.

"How about everything?" Josie smiled.

"That's a lot, but if you insist." I nodded. "I was born a twin to my mother Josette Parker and my father Alaric Saltzman; however, my father had died before we were born; however, mother raised us with my uncle Kai Parker, who started the mafia. I was born mute, and Lizzie was born blind. And at the beginning of our childhood, Lizzie had no idea I existed because I couldn't talk to her. My mother and I learned sign language so that we could be a family. But after we lost her, we lost a part of ourselves. We vowed to make her proud and continue her legacy."

"I think I can say that you are making her proud." Josie smiled at me and placed her hand on top of mine.

"What about you? How did the alpha Hope Mikaelson come to be?" I giggled.

"Well, my parents had mafias, my father and his siblings ran the Mikaelson crew, and my mother, the Crescent Pack. To grow their territory, my mother and father married and merged both mafias. They adopted my mother's crew name, and thus the Crescent Pack you know was born. My parents had me but died in an accident when I was young. Ever since then, my aunts and uncles have been raising me. My parents used to tell me that family is always and forever and that no matter what, we would be connected in life and in death." Josie squeezed my hand. "Ever since I lost them, I used to believe that love made a person weak because it took their guard down, but my aunt has reminded me that if not for my parent's love for each other and me the pack wouldn't be as successful as it is"

"She's right, you know." The phone said. "We are nothing if we don't have some love to ground us. My love for my sister gives me something to fight for." I stared into Josie's beautiful brown eyes. Suddenly both of our phones went off, and we quickly answered them.

"I'm sorry, I have to go" Josie nodded and signed me too. "I'd love to do this again though" we both ran off in opposite directions towards our compounds.

Forbidden Love- A Hosie storyWhere stories live. Discover now