Hope's POV

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I got an alert from a warehouse from the Northwest quadrant and decided to investigate, normally I wouldn't bother but with what had happened earlier on in the night I needed to. Also, our mole within the Parker Twins had informed me that one of the twins was there. I arrived at the warehouse and snapped my fingers signaling that the ambush was to begin. I heard the gunshots from outside the building. I entered the warehouse and saw the three members of our rivals defeating my men. I saw Ethan Machado cowering in a corner. I shook my head. He had always been a useless man. Suddenly someone fired their pistol striking the brunette in the arm. My eyes widened as I was not expecting my men to fire their weapons. Concern for the brunette, but then I remembered that I wasn't supposed to feel anything towards the woman. Someone else fired their pistol and the brunette pushed the other two to the ground letting herself be struck by the bullet and she collapsed to the ground in a pool of her blood. The brunette threw another smoke bomb and when the smoke cleared the others were gone.

¨Follow them, I got this one¨ My men nodded and exited the warehouse. I walked over to the brunette heer eyes were opening and closing. I knew she was fighting to stay awake. I don't know why, but I just couldn't leave her to die, so I wrapped her wounds as best as I could and lifted her from the ground. I carried the unconscious woman to my car and set her in the passenger seat. I took her to the compound and took her to the med bay.

¨Little wolf, what have you got there?¨ my aunt Keelin asked me as I laid the brunette on the table.

¨One of the leaders of the Parker Twins¨ I replied. My aunt gave me a smirk and I rolled my eyes at her.

¨What do you want me to do?¨ I sighed and pressed my fingers on the bridge of my nose.

¨Patch her up and move her to a cell¨ I replied. Keelin nodded her head. A wave of exhaustion washed over me and I made my way to my room. I fell onto my bed and let sleep overcome me.

When I woke up my aunt Freya was standing in my doorway. I sat up startled but relaxed once I realized it was her.

¨Niece, what have you brought back?¨ she wore a smirk similar to the one her wife had given me. I rolled my eyes.

¨One of the leaders of the Parker Twins was injured so I brought her back so we can have some leverage on them.¨


"That's all I brought her for" I insisted

"Sure it is, the fact that she's I don't know hot has nothing to do with it?" my aunt teased. I could feel myself blushing.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Freya just laughed and left. I left my room and made my way down to the cell where we were keeping the brunette. As she lay there in the bed I couldn't help but study her face. She is very beautiful I thought to myself. Suddenly the brunette started to stir.

"Who are you?" I asked the brunette. She only stared at me offering no reply. "You realize that if you don't tell me who you are and why you were trying to steal from me I will have no choice but to kill you." Still silence. I grew frustrated with the woman's lack of compliance. Why isn't she scared of me?

Forbidden Love- A Hosie storyWhere stories live. Discover now