Hope's POV

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"Who does she think she is?" I practically yelled at my aunt who had followed me into my room. "Making me feel weak and showing her that I can cry?" I threw my pillow from my bed and paced back and forth across the floor.
    "Hope, maybe Josette is right." I stopped my pacing and glared at my aunt how could she even say that. "Look all I am saying is she has a point about finding someone to be with. I found Keelin and now I am stronger for it." I resumed pacing.
    "Partners are just liabilities and distractions from the more pressing matters at hand," I argued back. A frown made its way onto my aunt's face as she crossed her arms.
    "Oh, really and what would your father have called your mother then?" I stopped in my tracks. "Form what I remember and what he has told me your mother was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He became a better leader and a better person, then you came into this world and for the first time since I've known Niklaus, he was genuinely happy." She walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hope, I know that you miss your parents and you believe that you must be strong for them and continue their legacy, but I know that they just want you to find happiness. What did your parents use to tell you about family?" I sighed,
    "Family is always and forever" I recited the family mantra " We will never abandon one another and even when we leave the earth we will always be watching you from above." I looked at the family portrait that hung on my wall. We all looked so happy I thought mother with father, Freya with Keelin, Rebekah with Marcel, Kol with Davina, and even Elijah although never married looked happy standing next to me and the rest of the family. I smiled reminiscing about the day we had taken the photo. "You're right Freya, love isn't a weakness, it's also a strength." Freya smiled cockily at me as she pulled me in for a hug.   
    "Now why don't you go visit Josette again, she seems like she would ake a great Mikelson" Freya winked and started for the door. So now I find myself at the door to the cell that the brunette was sitting in.
    "Josette, I know that I can't sign, but I brought this so that we could communicate" I opened the hatch to the door and dropped in a cellphone. "Its only function is to allow you to text to speak so don't get any ideas." The brunette smirked as she quickly typed away.
    "You can just call me Josie," the phone said. I nodded my head "So why did you come back?" I stared at the woman sitting before me.
    "Because you were right, life should be about more than just power."
    "I never did thank you for saving my life."
    "I did it so that I can use you to expand my territory." I insisted to which the brunette raised an eyebrow.
    "Sure and I can magically start speaking now." I rolled my eyes at Josie's sarcasm. "But however you want to convince yourself you did it, we can go with that story."
    "You are insufferable." I retorted
    "It's a gift," Josie teased back at me. I laughed despite myself which made Josie smile.
    "You have a beautiful smile." The brunette blushed and turned her head away. My heart felt at home with Josie a feeling I hadn't felt since I lost my parents. Suddenly the building shook and a loud Bang erupted. My face hardened, we were under attack.

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