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i must learn to be content with
being happier than i deserve.
- jane austen

THE DAYS FOLLOWING DAKOTA'S BIRTHDAY, the hybrid was overcome with an overwhelming sense of peace — something Dakota never really quite experienced

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THE DAYS FOLLOWING DAKOTA'S BIRTHDAY, the hybrid was overcome with an overwhelming sense of peace — something Dakota never really quite experienced. Things finally felt right. It was as if everything fell right into place and at last, Dakota was where she belonged.

Dakota easily fell into a new daily routine with the Quileute pack and the Cullens. Now having set up camp in Sam and Emily's guest bedroom, every morning the hybrid would wake to the glorious smell of freshly made breakfast (thanks to Emily's amazing cooking). Dakota would spend every morning reading at the kitchen table, until Leah and the boys would make their way over to join for breakfast. Then she'd spend most of her afternoons with Jacob or with the pack. Then Dakota would head over to the Cullen home for the evening to give Bella some company, while the rest of Cullen family continued to scramble and find out what the hell they were going to do about this baby.

This morning was no different than any of the previous. She was currently sat at the kitchen table with a book in hand. She absentmindedly played with the arrow pendant hung around her neck — when abruptly, she seemed no longer able to read the words on the page. Her eyes skimming over the same sentence over and over again, each time having no comprehension of the words she just read. She could smell him before he ever entered her line of vision: crisp forest air after fresh rainfall. Her stomach jolted with a strange tightness when she felt his arms drape around her neck from behind, his chin propped onto her shoulder.

"Is there ever a time when your head isn't buried deep into a book, Kota?" She felt dizzy and her skin burned scarlet, tingles running down her arms at his words, his voice, his touch. Her mind was sufficiently scrambled.

Things between the two imprints shifted dramatically once they finally talked things out and reconciled on her birthday. The pair quickly realized that once they weren't ignoring each other like the plague, they got on like a house on fire. Friendship and a newfound sense of respect that wasn't there before easily developed between the imprints. Along with a new friendship, a certain fondness and affection grew as well. For a lack of better words, Dakota White had a massive fucking crush on Jacob Black, and it was becoming significantly more and more difficult to ignore.

Jacob slipped into the chair beside her, quickly swiping her mug away and stealing a sip of her fresh coffee with a devious smirk. However, the look was quickly wiped straight from his face once he actually tasted her coffee. How could someone so sweet enjoy their coffee so bitter? It baffled him. "Ew, yuck!" He exclaimed, opting to pour himself a glass of orange juice instead.

Now Dakota was the one smirking. That's what you get. Jacob could easily decipher what the hybrid was thinking from the playful glint in her eyes. She snatched the coffee mug back and took a sip, "Yum." A tendril of hair fell loose from one of her braids.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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