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oh but that's the irony,
broken people are not fragile.
- clinton sammy jr.


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HER BLOOD WAS ON FIRE. It felt as if hot knives were prickling every single inch of her skin. She was burning from the inside out and the pain was indescribable. Shrill screams of torture forced their way from her mouth and it left her throat feeling sore and raw. Her body convulsed incontrollably and she wished for nothing more but for her anguish to end.

The night had begun like any other night. Dakota and Efren, the alpha of her pack and boyfriend, had started their round of patrol. The couple were surveying the forest that sat on the territory of their land. Vampires had boldly decided to cross into their land over the course of some weeks now and attack humans in the local town. Two young girls had gone missing and three people turned up dead. Due to this, the Chinook pack were on high alert and remained vigilant at all times.

During the middle of their patrol, Efren and Dakota came across the group of vampires. Three, to be exact. One of the vampires, though his skin was pale, it held a beautiful olive-tone and he was blessed with glossy black hair. The only woman of the trio had hair that could only be compared with fire, for the red locks framed her face like flames. She possessed a seductive, feline beauty. Next to her, stood an average build man, with pale white skin and light brown hair cropped short. Despite his naturally unattractive facial features, a truly wicked expression could be seen within his black eyes.

At the sight of the vampires, a growl rumbled in Efren's throat, alerting the trio of their presence. Both Efren and Dakota eased out of the trees and stalked deliberately toward the vampires. Surprise covered their faces at the image of two large wolves approaching them. Backing toward the edge of the trees, the vampires watched the wolves carefully before sprinting away from them, the red-head going in one direction while the two men ran in another.

"You go right. I'll go left." Dakota could hear her boyfriend's voice in her head before she chased after the two male vampires.

Having her eyes set on the black-haired vampire she ran as fast as she could, inching closer and closer by the second. However, what she had failed to noticed was that the pale, brunette vampire was lurking in the trees, waiting for her. He jumped onto her back, catching her off guard. She made attempts to bite at him but couldn't reach and his grip was too strong to shake him off. The black-haired vampire took advantage of her distraction and ran towards her, kicking at one of her legs so hard that it snapped. She howled in pain but continued to run.

However, she did not last long.

The pale, brunette vampire wound his arms around her before squeezing with all his might. A sickening snap echoed through the air and it was only moments later that the wolf disappeared; the only sight left was her frail body falling to the ground. Dakota clung onto herself as her torso radiated in pain, most of her ribs having been broken by the vampire.

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