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homesick, 'cause i no longer know where home is
- kings of convenience

❛homesick, 'cause i no longer know where home is❜- kings of convenience

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LATER THAT SAME DAY, a knock came to Dakota's door. She was staying in some old, musty motel in Forks. It was obvious that it had been years since the last time anyone has stayed in this room, considering Forks doesn't get new visitors frequently. Also, the thick layer of dust that coated most of the furniture was a clear indicator as well. She wasn't particularly happy with it but she had been in worse. There were many nights where the hybrid just stayed in the woods in her wolf phase.

Opening the door, it revealed a tall, russet skinned man. He looked older than her by a few years, definitely in his twenties. Her eyes darted towards his shoulder, taking note of the tribal tattoo on his arm. He was one of the pack. She had a tattoo similar to his, only hers represented the Chinook pack and it had been branded over. A large scar covered her tribal tattoo; it showed that she had been banished. She looked back into his eyes and recognized the same brown eyes of the black wolf. This was the alpha.

"How can I help you, alpha?"

He didn't seem surprised that Dakota knew who he was, more impressed than anything. "Are you able to train the pack now?" He asked the hyrid and she nodded in reply.

"Then come with me." Following him out, he lead her to the edge of the forest and she knew what she'd have to do. Both striped themselves of their clothes before shifting into their wolves.

"Bringing her into the pack house better not be a mistake." She could hear his voice in her head. Dakota froze. She shouldn't have been able to hear him. Only pack members could hear and see into the minds of each other, and it was only while in their wolf form. Dakota was able to hear her pack members thoughts when they were shifted, however that all stopped when she was kicked out. The bond and connection between them had been severed.

"Why can I hear you?" Sam snapped his head in the Dakota's direction when he heard her voice in his head. If he was in his human form, he knew that he would probably be staring at the hybrid with his jaw wide open.

"How is that possible? You're not apart of this pack."

"Your guess is as good as mine. I haven't been able to hear my own pack since I was banished."

"I will speak with the elders of my tribe. Maybe they will know something. Come on, the pack house isn't too far."

Dakota began to follow him but then stopped when she remembered his initial thought, "If you're worried about me, we can train with the pack somewhere else. I wouldn't have to set foot on Quileute lands."

She understood how tribes didn't take well to outsiders, much less ones that were vampires. She doubted that the pack would be happy about her appearance at their pack house. Dakota understood Sam's doubts and hesitations. However, that statement of hers alone gave the alpha reassurance.

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