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when you meet the one, there will be no trumpets blazing or angels singing. it will be you with your conscience, telling you this one is different, and urging you not to mess this up.
- j. weasly

"DO WE EVEN KNOW WHO'S BEHIND All THIS?" Dakota questioned the Cullens in the middle of their living room

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"DO WE EVEN KNOW WHO'S BEHIND All THIS?" Dakota questioned the Cullens in the middle of their living room. Dakota was in awe of their home. It was spacious and the glass walls only made it seem even bigger. The house was very modern and Esme had stuck to very neutral colors when decorating the home.

Dakota was invited into the home by Jasper, after some arguing with his family and persuading on his end. They wanted to discuss about the up and coming battle: what would be their tactics, how to get the upper hand, how to protect Bella. It was all very boring to the hybrid if she was being completely honest but apparently Jasper felt that she needed to be present.

"No. Alice only saw the newborns passing around Bella's scent." Emmett informed her.
Dakota sat down on the white couch, lazily kicking her feet up on the coffee table. "Well, someone wants the swan here dead, so who is it?" Emmett smirked at the Dakota's comparison between Bella and a swan. It was rather ironic that Bella's last name was Swan. She was no where near as graceful and elegant as a swan. She was the opposite. Bella was clumsy and reckless, somehow always getting herself hurt.

"Are we sure this isn't Victoria?" Bella sighed.
Edward shook his head, "Alice would have seen her make a decision."

The hybrid in the room rolled her eyes, "Did you people ever stop to think that this Vicky chick might be letting someone else make the decisions?" It seemed like the only logical answer to Dakota. It was quite smart, actually.  Let someone else make the decisions so they would never know it was you. They'd never see her coming.

And suddenly it was like her words had made the Cullens rethink the entire situation and it all began to make so much more sense. She could see the realization set in. She shook her head before standing up, making her way out of the Cullen home.

"Where are you going?" Jasper asked.

"Anywhere but here." She had grown bored of all this talk of this battle and was starting to get irritated. Dakota wasn't a great person to be around when she got irritated.

Shifting into her wolf, the raven haired girl strolled through the forest. The forest had become her home for the last two years. Prior to turning, the forest had always been her favorite place on Earth. She enjoyed the fresh, crisp air. The sounds of crickets and birds chirping. The shuffling of leaves as the wind blew through the trees. The forest had become her place of sanctuary.

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