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and like the moon, she had a side of her so dark, that even the stars couldn't shine on it; she had a side of her so cold, that even the sun couldn't burn on it.
- abigail j.

THE BEAUTIFUL AND DELICATE CREATURE WALKED through the dark forest, unaware that it was now someone's prey

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THE BEAUTIFUL AND DELICATE CREATURE WALKED through the dark forest, unaware that it was now someone's prey. Unbeknownst to the deer, a lioness stood in wait, hidden in the darkness of the night without the threat of detection. She watched the deer's every movement, ready to pounce at any given moment. She watched in silence, knowing that even the smallest of sounds would set off the skittish behavior of her prey. And the lioness could not afford to lose the deer, for tonight, she was thristy for blood. The lioness would wait. She would wait for the perfect moment before she'd strike.

When the deer began to tread towards Dakota, the hybrid slowly moved out from the shawdows, not a single sound audible from her. She approached the deer, who had lowered its head, drinking from the stream. In a matter of seconds she used her inhumane speed to lunge herself at the deer. It squealed as she wrapped her arms around the defenseless animal, who kicked and thrashed in attempt to escape but her grip was too strong for it. She sunk her teeth into its neck; her teeth pierced through the deer like knives.

The thick scarlet liquid poured into her mouth, quenching her thirst and satisfying her endless lust for blood. It gave her one feeling and one feeling only: pure ecstasy. She loved the sickeningly dry and sweet metallic pungency. Having deprived herself from it so long, she mitigated her constant desire for just a second as she sucked the life out of her prey.

However, it was in this moment of pure pleasure that she realized just how truly disgusting she felt. Dakota was giving into her desires, not a single ounce of remorse entered her body. This was how easy it was for her to surrender. She was like an addict except that in her case, blood was her drug. She constantly craved for it. Her body physically ached for blood.

She hated it.

She hated that she needed it.

She hated that she wanted it.

The Cullens, excluding Edward, appeared out from the trees, after having watched the hybrid in her element. How effortlessly she hunted down the deer, her mind never once straying away from the task at hand. They also saw how viciously she fed on it. Her teeth tore open the deer's neck. Her superior strength crushed the deer's body, forcing it immobile. The Cullens had never seen anything like it.

Rosalie saw the way Dakota's hands trembled as she dropped the dead body of the frail and fragile animal. Blood dripped from her plump lips, the soft pink completely coated in red. Her chocolate brown eyes welled up, however she didn't dare let a single tear fall from her eyes. Her breathing was erratic and her heart rate out of rhythm.

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