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when your eyes met mine, my soul pointed at you and whispered to my heart, "him."
- L.R.

"WHERE'S DAKOTA?" Jacob asked once he reached the pack, who were patiently waiting

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"WHERE'S DAKOTA?" Jacob asked once he reached the pack, who were patiently waiting. The newborns were bound to make their appearance at any given moment and they all wanted to be ready.

After his kiss with Bella, the human begged him to not fight and stay with her. The thought of hiding away with Edward and Bella, while Dakota would be risking her life to fight and kill, gave him uneasiness and he knew his heart would never allow it. All Jacob could do was apologize before running after the hybrid, but he couldn't find her. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air. He didn't know why but he felt the need to explain himself, explain to Dakota that his kiss with Bella meant nothing.

Assuming that she had made her way to the others, Jacob did the same. However, he was met with disappointment when the raven haired beauty was no where in his line of sight.

Paul shrugged, "She hasn't shown up yet."

"Damn it." Jacob growled and Paul gave his pack mate a strange look, "What's up with you?"

"Bella and I kissed, and Dakota saw it." Jacob roughly dragged his fingers through his hair. He was frustrated to say the least and feeling on edge.

Paul's eyes shot wide open, "You kissed Bella?" He exclaimed, gaining the attention of the rest of the pack, who were now eagerly listening in.

Jacob rolled his eyes at the behavior of his brothers but was quick to dismiss the notion of him being the one to kiss Bella, "She kissed me."

Paul's confusion only grew as the conversation went on. "I don't get it," he shook his head, not understanding Jacob's lack of excitement.

Embry nodded, "Yeah, isn't this a good thing? I mean, you and Bella. It's all you've ever been able to talk about." He didn't understand why Jacob wasn't more happy. If Bella kissed him, certainly it meant that he had a chance now and that's what he had wanted all along.

Quil came over to Jacob and wrapped an arm around the brooding wolf, "Didn't you hear him? He doesn't seem too happy about the fact that Dakota saw," the teasing in his voice was evident as he spoke to Embry.

Paul smirked, "I knew you had the hots for her." He playfully smacked Jake's arm.

"Obviously," said Jared. "Didn't you hear his thoughts when she first showed up?"

"He was practically drooling over her!"

Jacob groaned, wishing that he hadn't said anything at all, then maybe he could have saved himself the torture of their teasing. "Alright, you can shut up now." The boys laughed at his plea and clear irritation.

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