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i woke before her, and she slept on
as the sun rose spilling light across our bed.
she was perfect to me and angel
in my sheets and the not the angel
you see in a stained glass window.
she was the face i would draw
if given a thousand years and only
a promise she might one day come to life.
- attitcus

THE DISTANT SOUND OF THE PACK LAUGHING and the warmth of the rare Forks sun on her face was what woke Dakota the following morning

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THE DISTANT SOUND OF THE PACK LAUGHING and the warmth of the rare Forks sun on her face was what woke Dakota the following morning. Along with the soft touches on her skin, caresses of a thumb tracing shapes and little nothings along her arm and back. It registered to her then that her head laid on top of Jacob, whose chest acted as her pillow. Despite the horrific memories which revisited her the previous night and tortured her mind, Dakota couldn't remember a time that she'd slept that well once Jake cocooned her into his strong arms.

Feeling her stirring, Jacob glanced down at the young woman who laid in his arms and almost cooed at the sight. Smiling softly, he moved his fingers from delicately stroking her arm which was thrown over his torso, to gently combing through her unruly, dark locks of raven hair. He liked her hair down, liked how wild it made her look.

The beauty of vampires often made them look angelic or even god-like, not a single thing about their physical appearance out of place or displeasing to the eye. They were simply perfect, too perfect — in Jacob's opinion. It was the imperfections which make Dakota strikingly beautiful. Her hair disheveled from sleep and her eyes still hung low revealing her long, thick eyelashes. Her cheek squished against his chest, causing her plump lips to pout in the most adorable way. And those damn freckles, which decorated her pale cheeks like constellations in the night sky, he's adored them since their first encounter in the woods.

This felt right.

This felt complete.

There was a point in time where Jake detested the concept of imprinting. He believed everyone who imprinted no longer belonged to themselves and their genetics told them that they were happy about it. But now, Jacob understood. Imprinting was unlike anything he imagined it to be. No, he would not spend the rest of his existence being her indentured servant. Jacob realized how truly lucky he was to have imprinted.

Sensing that Dakota was awake, Jake decided to speak first. "Morning, sleepy head."

Realizing that he was wide awake, Dakota lifted her head from the comfort of his broad, bare shoulder, as the delicate touch of his hand slipped from her hair and fell to the mattress. Suddenly feeling uneasy, she cleared the lump stuck in her throat. "Uh— Good morning...  Sorry, I must have fell asleep on you."

"It's alright," he replied lazily with a grin, unable to hide his amusement as she suddenly grew flustered. "How'd you sleep?"

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