Riley Hayes' guide to self-redemption (1/2)

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Andre ran past me, crying. 

Well, he was probably crying. He was pawing at his face, seemingly trying to gouge his eyes out. 
"Andre--" I tugged on his sleeve, trying to stop him. "Andre, what's wrong?" He stopped pulling. "Nothing it's stupid, it's fine--" 
I didn't let go. "You're not fooling me with that, you know. Did something happen with Forrest? Or,, er- Dylan?" 
"What do you know about Dylan. Tell me everything you know." 
"Uh,, He seems pretty nice. He wears pink a lot. Compliments his eyes. He's new. You and him are friends, Forrest thinks you two are having sex." 
"When did he tell you that? That we were--you know." 

"I'm sworn to secrecy," I joked - He glared at me. "Okay, it's just a suspicion. He-- Well, I think he's just upset. That's it. He's upset." 
"He's upset? He's upset, so that gives him the right to go around telling everybody that I'm---.." His voice broke off - he stared at the ground, hugging his chest. "You're both upset. And I never said him being upset justi-- Wait what? Told everybody that you're..?" 

"Yeah. That I like guys. That I like Dylan."
I thought things over for a split second. 

Forrest told Octavia and Boo. Dylan probably already knew, I already knew, Andre already somewhat knew. 

"He told two people, then?" I relayed, purposely trying to be as blunt as possible - I wanted him to see that it wasn't actually that big of a deal. "Yes. But--Those two people are everyone! The whole school! I can't have that---What do I say? What do I do?" 
"Andre--" I took his hand. He pulled away from me without hesitation, looking around frantically. "Andre. Don't be dumb. Octavia and Boo aren't going to care. I don't care. Dylan won't care. Why do you care?" 
He didn't reply. He continued to rub his eyes. 
"Come on, please. We can sort this all out, okay?" 
"We? You haven't just been outed, have you? No, you haven't, so shut up." 
"I know, I know, I'm just trying to help. I'm gonna help you, okay?" 

"No, you're not. All you are is a wannabe of me and Forrest." I don't know why, but I must've looked upset. His body language completely shifted, his arm dropped and he just looked miserable. "I didn't mean that." 
"I know, don't worry." 
"I'm going to the roof. I need air. Don't follow." 
"I won't." 
He quickly hugged me - which I was not expecting at all, so much that I didn't even register what was happening until after he'd already rushed off. 

I sighed, running both of my hands through my hair, subsequently completely messing it up. It's okay. All I need to do is talk to Forrest. And maybe Boo and Octavia. No, they wouldn't talk to me. I've been a dick to them. I'd been a wannabe Forrest, wannabe Andre. He didn't mean that - but he was right, and I wasn't going to argue that he wasn't. Not even a self-deprecation thing, more just self-awareness. 

Speaking of Boo and Octavia. There were at the end of the hall, walking at a fast pace. Their eyes were glued to each other as they spoke. 

"Oh! Sorry!" Boo gasped. Octavia pulled her back by her arm. She'd walked right into me. "No worries. I saw it coming." Octavia gave me a weird look, then remembered what she supposedly was even there for. "Have you seen Andre?" 
Whether I tell the truth or not was fully dependant on them. 
"Yes.. Yes I have." I crossed my arms. They exchanged looks; it reminded me a lot about my first interaction with Andre and Forrest together. Except this time I didn't feel small. I broke my cold expression. "He's upset," I confided. They exchanged more looks, although this time it seemed more sympathetic. 

"I don't like prying in what isn't my business,, but did Forrest tell you something? About Andre." Octavia nodded slowly. "What exactly did he say?"
"Fire round!! If you had a gay friend how would you react?" That's subtle. 
"I already know about Andre. I want to know about Forrest. What did he say." 
"Oh, wel-Huh? I thought you're like, homophobic.. and stuff," Octavia said. Boo still seemed cautious. 

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