Chapter 4 - Triple Threat

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The next morning, the trio decided to go and search for the Gym in Stiaton City. What they hadn't expected however, was just how difficult it would be to find it.

Striaton City had numerous high standing buildings, it was almost impossible to distinguish one building from another. They were certain they were walking in circles.

"This is ridiculous. At least in Sinnoh all the Gyms looked the same. I could have sworn we've been down this way before, but I could be very well mistaken. Even Lucario's confused, and that's saying something," Kyra sighed, growing irritated by the lack of certainty as to where they were going.

"We'll find it eventually, even if we need to ask someone for directions to get there. Asking for help really isn't the end of the world you know," Willow replied.

"The chances of Kyra asking for help are about the same as us going through a Region without having some sort of disagreement. Face it, we're just going to be walking around here for the foreseeable future," Nate muttered, as much as he enjoyed Kyra's company, her stubbornness was infuriating at times.

Kyra sighed and got her phone from her pocket, giving in and searching up where the Gym was. She had heard Nate's comment and hadn't taken kindly to it, but she wasn't going to show him that.

"Oh for Arceus sake! There may not be a Gym here after all. All my phone is saying in response to the Gym is the restaurant which is just slightly further down this walkway. Let's just go to the next City, we're more likely to find a Gym there," Kyra explained, annoyed by the fact she had been so looking forward to having a Gym Battle again and her chances were now ruined.

Nate and Willow managed to convince Kyra that it was worth asking in the restaurant for directions to the closest Gym. Kyra wasn't happy with the decision, but she just agreed to it for her sanity's sake.

Rather than go inside with Nate and Willow, Kyra and Lucario waited outside. Lucario knew she needed to try and calm Kyra's temper down, she had latched onto it being near to breaking point, something she didn't want to see.

"What can I do?" Lucario asked, hugging her trainer so she knew she wasn't alone.

"Try and distract me from my temper. I can feel I'm close to my snapping point, I don't want you seeing that, it's not fair," Kyra replied, trying to slow her breathing down and control it to ease her temper down.

Lucario used her aura in a similar way she had done when facing Aaron in the Sinnoh League. She convinced Kyra that she was a place where she could relax and remain calm, using what she knew from Kyra's love for lakes she had revealed yesterday.

"Oi, day dreamers! Are you coming or what, this is the Gym," Willow called jokingly from the doorway, snapping Kyra and Lucario back to reality.

Kyra quietly thanked Lucario for calming her and they followed Willow to rejoin Nate who was waiting at a table with presumably the three Gym Leaders.

"Welcome to the Striaton City Gym, my name's Cilan," the trainer with the green hair introduced.

"And I'm Chilli," the trainer with the red hair added.

"Lastly I'm Cress. Together, we run this restaurant and Gym," the last trainer, the one with blue hair, introduced.

The trio were surprised to see a Gym with multiple Gym Leaders. It wasn't unusual for two Gym Leaders to be present at a Gym when one was training to take over from the other, but never three active Gym Leaders for one Gym. Unova really was full of surprises.

"Three Gym Leaders? How does that work?" Nate questioned.

"Normally we run a challenge where you face three of us, and if you win two or more battles, then you earn your Gym Badge and a free meal on us."

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