Chapter 59 - The Battle's Marshal

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"Welcome to the Unova Elite Four. I've been looking forward to your challenge," Marshal welcomed, looking forward to battling Kyra after having heard about her from the other Gym Leaders.

Kyra knew she couldn't seem worried, otherwise her pokémon would lose confidence too. "Thanks, but I won't be letting up here. Neither side can afford to make mistakes."

"I like your spirit. So let's this get under way. As you already know Kyra, these battles are four on four. Speaking of, let's go Sawk!" Marshal replied, sending out his first pokémon.

Kyra knew Sawk was a dangerous pokémom to face. Not only were they quick and hit hard, they couldn't be taken down all that easily thanks to having Sturdy as its ability. If Sawk was running Counter, this could turn nasty on Marshal's first pokémon. She had to be strategic here, releasing her ace for this battle now was risky, but it was the safest play.

"A Sawk huh? That could be a challenge, good thing I have a bit of a plan. Let's go Gothy," Kyra replied, trying to make out that she had a plan.

Gothy was happy and looking forward to battle. Being a Psychic Type meant she had the overall advantage, but she just had to be careful of any coverage attacks since Marshal would definitely have some sort of a counter up his sleeve.

"A Gothitelle, although it may seem like a smart play, it'll be your downfall eventually. Use Rock Slide!" Marshal called, telling Kyra right away what move she had to look out for.

As long as Gothy was quick enough, she would be able to pull off what she needed to. But then again, Sawk were exceptionally fast pokémon.

"Gothy, don't let that Rock Slide hit. Use Psychic and throw them across the field!" Kyra called, hoping the distraction would give Gothy that extra time she needed.

Gothy nodded and she put a stop to Rock Slide hitting her with the help of Psychic. She flung the rocks over towards Sawk and kept a close eye on him, she could tell what Kyra was most worried about.

Marshal was surprised by Kyra's strategy, not many trainers used their opponents attacks against them. This was just the challenge he was hoping he'd get. "Let them hit you then go in for Payback!"

Payback, just what Kyra had expected.

"Alright Gothy, use Shadow Ball," Kyra replied, hoping Gothy's Shadow Ball would be enough to give her time to dodge. Marshal having used Kyra's counter as he had done was a smart play, not taking much damage, but still enough to trigger Payback's power boost.

Gothy focused and readied herself to use Shadow Ball. She had to wait for just the right moment since trying to hit Sawk whilst he was darting about wasn't going to happen. A second too soon and Sawk would be able to avoid the attack, a second too late and she'd be hit with a powerful Payback.

Sawk surprisingly jumped up to land his attack, giving Gothy just the opportunity she needed. Shadow Ball hit for much more damage than Sawk had expected and he rebounded back over to Marshal. Payback wasn't going to work against Gothy.

Marshal knew he had to think of a different strategy. Substitutes were more than welcome in his battles, but he refrained from using them apart from on one of his team members. Maybe he could try luring Kyra into a false sense of security?

"That was some good reaction time, I'm impressed. Let's see how you'll handle this one. Use Retaliate," Marshal said, getting straight back into the battle without delay.

Retaliate was a dangerous move, something Kyra didn't want to see. It wasn't too much of a threat under normal circumstances, but it could be very dangerous should any of Marshal's other pokémon know it.

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