Chapter 11 - New Friends

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By the next morning, Kyra was practically back to herself. She wanted to get out of Pinwheel Forest as soon as possible, even if it did mean taking a break later on.

After breakfast, Nate offered to check Kyra's temperature to make sure the poison had mostly faded away.

"Well, you're not burning up anymore which is good. As long as you don't do anything stupid later, we can get out of here," Nate said, knowing just how much Kyra was hating Pinwheel Forest.

Kyra agreed she would take things easy, spending the day trying to find some new members for her team. Nate and Willow were both looking forward to Kyra catching some more team members, curious to see what kind of pokémon she would end up catching.

The trio packed away their tents once they had finished eating and they headed out of the forest. Willow had found the way out via the map on her phone, it was a difficult route to find at first, but easy enough once they found the right path way.

Kyra had barely taken a step out from the forest before she was distracted by one of her favorite things she had seen in Unova thus far. The Skyarrow Bridge. Kyra had been looking forward to seeing the Skyarrow Bridge ever since Sonia had mentioned it when she came to Unova a few years ago. It was even better in person.

"There seems to be a boat across the river leaving in about ten minutes, it shouldn't take long after that until we get to Castelia City and can finally try Castelia Cones," Willow explained, looking forward to trying Unova's special delicacy.

Kyra was desperate to walk over the Skyarrow Bridge, she may not get another opportunity to do it, so she planned to walk across whilst Nate and Willow took the boat.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to walk with Lucario. Not only did Sonia say the views were amazing, but also the fact I need to clear my head after yesterday. How about we meet this evening and we can get Castelia Cones as a treat," Kyra suggested, hoping Nate and Willow would let her have her way.

Neither Nate nor Willow minded Kyra splitting off. They weren't too keen on bridges whereas Kyra was more weary of boats, so it was the best of both worlds for everyone. Kyra thanked them and she let Dewott out so he could walk with her and Lucario, plus it meant he too would be able to help choose the next however many team members Kyra found between now and this evening.

Kyra, Lucario, and Dewott made their way to the centre of the bridge and they stood there, feeling the cool breeze against their backs. It had been a pleasant walk to the centre, with the centre of the bridge being the most breathtaking view of all. The three felt like they could see for miles, the beautiful contrast of forest and city with the bridge being the only connection besides the deep water below.

"I feel much calmer already. This is exactly what I needed," Kyra sighed, this is the most relaxed she had felt since the day Oshawott learnt Water Gun. Being under the Unova sun with just her pokémon was the best feeling for her.

"You're right there. I am loving this," Lucario replied, just as relaxed as Kyra.

Dewott nodded, "I wasn't expecting this to be as calming as it is, but it really works," agreeing with his trainer and Lucario.

Meanwhile, Nate and Willow had found the boat and had boarded just in time. It had been a close call, but they had luckily still made it in the nick of time.

"Will she be ok? Kyra I mean," Willow asked, she had been worrying for Kyra ever since losing to N, it had seemed to knock her for six and she was still yet to recover.

Nate thought for a moment. It was true he too had been worrying about Kyra, although he had been worrying for much longer. "That loss to N earlier really shook her, give her some time to relax and train and she'll be alright. Then again, she hasn't really ever been the same since she battled Cyrus in the Distortion World. It's as if she's a completely different person now. I know she had some more control of her aura now, but at the same time, I don't know how much she should trust it considering it was the cause of what happened to Cyrus to begin with."

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