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Cy'erika .

" are those all the boxes ?" I asked my bestie moriaah .

we had known each other for almost 25 years , we met when my life was pretty decent , when I was 5 she stayed across the street from me , before my life took a turn for the worst , before I was forced to grow up before I could even turn 10 and my responsibilities got even bigger at age 13 .

after my daddy left my mama got bad , I mean real bad .... she started bringing random men around us who she claimed were going to be her husband one day , and the last man she ever loved got her hooked on drugs , any drug you could name has probably been in her body before .

I had 2 younger sisters kaiel & anaoli , they didn't have the opportunity to start off with a good life like I did , that's why I make sure everyday no matter what the situation is that they were cared for even if it put my life at danger .

me & kaiels dad had been in and out of our life , anoalis was never there to begin with she never knew him , she was always quiet she didn't start speaking until she was 2 , anyone else could have told me something was wrong with her but there was no way she was too smart she just didn't talk .

" please cy why can't we leave after I graduate it's my senior year" kaiel complained

" I explained this to you alr ky , I'm not saying it again it'll be fun babe I promise tell her mo" I said

" don't get me to lying" she said putting the last box in .

" ugh can't I just stay here I'll do anything" she begged

" no girl , I told you this ... it's nothing here babe , we gotta leave" I said

at this moment we were staying in a 2 bedroom apartment , in the slums of south Atlanta ... we had stayed here for most of our lives but it wasn't safe here , and I was ready to move on .

" gone so soon" I heard .

I turned around and seen mr . Jody

" it was getting to be about that time anyways mr j" he said

" oh I understand , I'm proud of you baby , have another youngin for me " he said

" another ?? " kaiel said

" i don't know you know he's old , he just talking shit" I said laughing 

" noli baby come on we gotta go" I said reaching in the car and honking the horn .

" coming" she said coming out and shutting the door

Kaiel was very drama filled but always got her point across no matter what the situation was , always very outgoing and outspoken she reminded me so much of mama before the drugs and shit she was so beautiful , beautiful body , that bitch !

anoali was more soft spoken than ky'elle , she never really had any friends , very lightweight , always up under me ... if not she kept to herself .

as for me on the other hand , I was just trying to make it in life , my story has yet been told , nobody really understands why I go so hard the way I do , why I'm like the way iam .

" you gave the keys to the landlord" I asked moriah

" yep , all the boxes are in the truck" she said

" well let's hit the road then"I said

Atlanta was my city but it was time to move on , I have too many bad memories here ...me and mo were currently dancers at ONYX , but we were moving on , we were opening a boutique in Miami Florida , which was where we were headed to .

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