Chapter 3

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I walked outside the classroom and was met by crowds of students who passed by to reach for their next lecture. A little bit frightened I looked around, and breathed a sigh of relief when I had realized Mr. Collins wasn't there. Finally, it was weekend, and now I could focus completely on what was going to happen later today. My eyes shifted to the students standing by the entrance and there was Kate talking deliberatly to Erica, one of the members of the cheerleading team. I walked towards them. When Kate saw me a bright smile lined across her face, and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Erica and I were just talking about later when we are going to compete against Seattle University", Kate said. Her voice was warm and inviting. My eyes travelled automatically to Erica, who was leaning against the wall. Her brown hair was flipped to one side.
"If we win today, we are going to the finale", Erica said and grinned at us. I could see the Excitement in her eyes.
"I know. It's really crazy to think about, nothing is impossible. So how was your lecture today Ana?"
I looked down and smooth the fabric of my blouse.
"Not so well", I muttered.
"That's the reason why Mr. Collins walked furiously out from the classroom.
I was wondering what happened to him. You are alright Ana?"
I nodded, and leaned against Kate's shoulder. Erica reached my hand and held it firmly.
"You should have a talk with him. He need to explain himself", Erica said determined
"You never come late to his classes. He can't just act like that. Ana, you need to show him who is the boss here". Kate said and wrapped her arm tight around me. She looked at the clock which was hanging on the wall, and a little wide eyed she slipped the grip around me.
"Erica, we have to reach for the anatomy class. Ana, I will see you later for lunch", Kate said with a sign of panic in her voice. I waved them goodbye, as they strode down the hallway.
A little hesitant, I decided to walk out the building.

When I entered Olympia Avenue Hall. I saw Jose was sitting on a couch nearby the window, typing really fast on his computer. He looked very focused, and I don't think he had noticed me. He peeked up at me as I walked towards him, and smiled a perfect, broad smile when he saw me. I smiled equally back.
"Ana, sit here", he said and waved me towards the couch. I sank gracefully down beside him
"What are you doing?", I asked curiously, and looked at his computer, trying to see what he was typing. He shoot me a glare and continued typing.
"I have to finish an essay today, so I can see you and Kate compete later". I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, and remembered that I was going to call mum. Fast, I raised myself from the couch and clapped him on his shoulder.
"I better be going, so you can concentrate better", I said. His eyes were fixed on me and held my hand
"Ana, you can just sit here. I don't mind", he said kindly, his head was cocked to one side.
"It's nice of you, Jose, but I have to call mum", I said and smiled brightly.
"Of course, just call your mother. I am going to be there with my dad. I heard that he is going to bring your father along too. We are going to do what it takes to support you and Kate". A little surprised, that my dad had heard about it before I got to tell him, I said, "That's great, Jose. See you later".

When I was back in my dorm, I put my brown backpack besides my bed and slipped off my converse. As I layed across the bed, I pulled out my phone from the pocket.
"Mum, you will be there when I am going to compete against Seattle University today?", I asked a little bit excited.
"Ana, I was about to call you, and I have bad news. I thought I could make it to Seattle today, but it seemed like I have to step in for someone at work. They really need me. I am really sorry Ana, I wanted to support you and Kate. I hope you understand", she said calmly
"It's ok, mum. I understand", I sigh and was a little dissapointed. In fact, I had been excited the whole week for her to come and see me. But I guess life wasn't always what you expected it to be. Honestly, I understood how important work was for her. She had to make a living after all.
"Honey, I am really sorry. I promise to see you in the finale. But I have to go. See you soon sweetheart", she said and turned off the phone.

After I had been taking a long nap, which was quite refreshing after too little sleep I had gotten from yesterday and eaten a quick lunch with Kate. It was time to drive to Seattle University. We had to start driving early so we could be in Seattle in time. The other girls in our team had decided to drive before us, but Kate and I wanted to relax a little bit. Since Kate was really tired after three hours with anatomy. When we had arrived, Kate parked her Black Audi in the parking lot close to the school. We carried our bags with us which we had packed yesterday and made our way to the university. After asking a couple of students we finally found the changing room. As we entered, everyone seemed quite nervous with anticipation. Some of the girls were frantically doing the make up, while others were changing into the cheerleading uniform. Me and Kate, hastily pulled on the red and white uniform. I walked over to the mirror and reapplied my make up, then pulled my hair into a ponytale.
I could feel the butterflies were dancing inside my stomach and the heartbeats were racing through my body. I was breathing heavily.
This is it, just a couple of minutes we were going to preform in front of a lot of people.
The thought of it made the knot inside me grow bigger. Why was I feeling this way? I had been preforming many times, before. Maybe because we were so close to the finale.

When we walked nervously in the gym hall, there were a lot of people applauding at the tribune. I looked around and saw Jose, his father and my father waving excitedly towards me and Kate from the first row. A bright smile grew on my face, waving back at them. I was really happy to be surrounded by people who would always be there for me. We prepared ourselves. When someone turned on the music, the first stunt we were going to do was the flyer. I thought it went smoothly, but all of a sudden, I lost completely balance and hit to the ground. A terrible pain coursed through my body followed by a headache, made me shift back and forth, trying to relieve it. The only thing I could see was dim of lights and hearing people screaming panicly around me before I lost conciousness.

Thank you so much for reading this story. It's a little chapter this time, because I didn't want you to wait so long. Many of you have asked me when Christian will appear in the story. He will be in the next chapter!

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