Chapter: 37 Feelings that surfaced

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Last night I somehow convinced her to stay the night here and gladly she didn't argue. It was very late and I really didn't want her to go. 

Now it's eight in the morning and I don't want to wake up. She was in my arms sleeping and as much as I want to think that we had sex the truth was something else, she didn't want me to sleep on the couch so we both agree to sleep on the bed as two mature people who wouldn't do anything.

Well surely I was planning on killing myself when she said that but all those resistance thought disappeared when we actually laid together on the bed.

I seriously had the best sleep in a very long time and it became even better when in the middle of the night she surprised me with a sudden cuddle. She snuggled herself closer to my body and we both slept like that, hanging in each other's arms, away from the world.

From time to time during the night, I would stare at her and I know it sounds creepy to watch a person sleep but after our argument, I was scared that she'll leave me.  I would wake up from time to time to check on her, still sleeping beside me. I don't know what I was trying to check but I had this feeling that the moment I sleep she'll flee away and I really didn't like that idea.

But now as I focus my attention on her breaths and how it slightly rise her chest up and down was the definition of long withholding solace, the soft trickly feeling of her hair against my torso, and how lazily she rests her head on my heart was giving me the glimpse of what love really looks like. 

I never spend the night with a woman without having sex with them. I would either leave before they wake up or throw them out after the needful. I never welcomed a morning like this before, and fuck it felt good. 

And as much as I wanted to stay in bed, my buddy wanted a quick bathroom tour, I tried slipping out of her hold but she didn't move instead her hold tightened around me, I released a breath and close my eyes, now what,

I can't go back to sleep and if I move on more time then she'll definitely wake up. I tried crossing my legs and pressing weight on my member to stop the urge to peeing, 

I need to close my eyes and divert my attention, think of something else and forget about peeing, I'll do it after she wakes up or when she moves from the top of me.

As I close my eyes I remember my flight was for this morning, of course, I missed it and am glad I did. I need to tell Veronica about it, she still doesn't know about the Vikings, and before I do something she needs to know. I already asked her to come to Rome with me so before taking her I should at least warn her the heat that city will hold for us.

As I lay there on the bed with my eyes closed I gently stroke her hair and plan my move against the Vikings. As far as I know, they don't have the chip, and hurting Kelly was a warning they wanted me to see. 

They weren't fucking when they said about ruining my life through the chip and last night I was close to losing something very precious to me. This time I will make sure to give them hell before I let them mess with me or my people especially her. I need to deal with those two rats and then target the location of the chip.

I seriously want to know who has the darn chip with him that both me and Vikings are blood over hell for it. 


I switch the channels trying to find something interesting but nothing came up, Leonard was still dressing and as for me I was already munching my Oreos with a cup of milk while waiting for him.

I don't know why he overslept but at least I got some time to fill my tummy. Last night was weird, at first, we were arguing like little children, then the next thing I know we were making out with an extreme desire to rip each other's clothes apart and if all these events weren't enough he told me some truth about that night. 

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