Boss and Lackey - Reunion

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      In a beautiful day of spring, the three musketeers were doing their duties in the city. The albino was very sleepy and tired, "The hell we are doing, Ich want to go home~~" Gilbert said tired. "Don't say that, mon ami. today's weather is so nice, and perfect to have a beauty to flirting with'' Francis smirked. "tsk. you flirty" Gilbert murmured.

      "By the way, where's Antonio?" asked the albino, "I don't know. these days he's skipping work and disappearing some where, I wonder where is him now" said Francis. "Damn it, how can he skip work at time like this?!" Gilbert pissed of, "calm down, mon ami. Antonio of course has a reason for it. now les't go back to work" Francis suggested. "y'know you say right things sometimes" said Gilbert, "Ohon, I always say right, mon ami".

      At the same time, Antonio was lying on the grass under the city's bridge. It's looks like he was having a nice daydream. staring at the unclouded blue sky, and little by little he felt asleep. "'s had been a long time we didn't see each other...since that day..."he whispered with these words and give up for the sun's warmth.

      When the sunset has over, Antonio has woken up, he didn't noticed that he slept all the day, so he stand up and stretched his arms, "Oh no, Gilbert and Francis are extremely mad now, I have to hurry and go back" when he finished saying that to himself, an arrow has passed near by Antonio's face and stuck in the tree. Antonio grabbed his axe and yelled "Who's there?! show yourself!!" but no one was there, perhaps the one who through that arrow was on the other side of the bridge, and it's seems it ran away.  

      Antonio turned to see the arrow, it had a paper on it, he took it, and it's look like a massage. Antonio opened it and read "you three are going to die" .... Antonio though it was a joke of some kind at first, but it wasn't the first time receiving a threat like this, but his face tells another thing, he was like annoyed or something.

      Back to Gilbert and Francis, they headed to nearby the river to a bar to drink some beer. "As always beer is the best! kesesese!!" laughed Gilbert joyfully. Francis was flirting with the maid there. ''you're so cute, mon amour'' by hearing this from Francis, the maid blushed. ''Hey stop doing that and come drink!!'' said Gilbert, ''By the way, we didn't saw Antonio this day, can it be...", ''Just leave him, he know what he's doing'' Gilbert cutting Francis's talk. ''you're right, there's nothing to afraid of, he's the Boss after all'' Francis taking a cup and drink it, ''A Boss,'s been a long time since we heard some one call him that way..." said Gilbert seriously.

      At the moment, a gang entered the bar, and it doesn't seem like they came here to drink. One of them had a scar on his face,he was the leader. He stepped closer to the two musketeers. The two noticed they weren't here to have a good time. "Hey you" the one who lead the gang has spoken, "the ruby-eyed one, let's have a talk out there", Gilbert glared at him for a second, "Get of, you make my beer taste bad" said Gilbert, "then shall I finish you here!!" the gang leader start and attacked Gilbert with his fist, but Gilbert dodged it with fast move and grabbed the gang lader's neck.

      "Moron, don't you think you'll going back alive with that" Gilbert put an evil expression on his face, he smirked and through the leader in the air, until he felt on a table. The rest of the gang start attacking Gilbert one by another, but they all has beaten up by him. "Ohonhonhon, you guys are dead, starting a fight with that beast, how pathetic" Francis was making fun of them, until one of them got mad and attacked Francis. 

      "What the hell did you just say?!" preparing the his fists, "Oh non, you want to taste my fist? shall we then" Francis kissed the maid's hand "Pardon me, mà chérie" then he entered the fight too. 

      After a moment, Antonio entered the bar, to find that gang fight. "¡Dios mío! What happened in here?" Antonio Questioned. "On no big deal, just having fun" said Francis. "and where the hell did you go?!!" Gilbert pointing a finger on Antonio. "Siesta, amigo" he answered with his brightening smile. Gilbert was about to punch the Spanish one, ''so, what happened here?" Antonio repeated his question,"Don't worry, awesome me managed to deal with it, kesesesese!!" laughed Gilbert loudly.

      While they were talking, a man of the gang stood up, he was behind Antonio, then he take out a knife, "Guaaaaah!! damn you, take that you bloody musketeers!!" he start running on Antonio's direction, and for a second, Antonio has unhand his defence. 

      Before he could catch his axe, a person wearing a cloak has appeared, and stopped the running man with his knife. Gilbert, Francis and Antonio were extremely surprised. The man dropped the knife and ran out the bar. 

      "y'jerk has gotten weak, aren't ya?" the person removed the cloak of his head to show a dark brown hair with a curl and shining-colored eyes. "Tomato Bastardo!" Antonio's eyes widened then he whispered "!!"


Hi everyone!! sorry for being late and lazy xD

I'm really sorry for that....

and as usual....

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have a nice time~~ see you next chapter~~

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