The tale of Francis Bonnefoy - Sacrifice

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When I realize it, I was fainted. My whole body was aching, especially my head. Little by little, I opened my eyes softly. I couldn't see very clearly. But when I tried to get up, I felt something holding my hand; it was Jeanne who's holding it. She was sleeping in peace like a child know nothing about the real world how it's looks.

I took a fast look on the place we are, it's look like very old monastery. How strange, why there is only me and Jeanne here? I turned to Jeanne to see her covered with injuries, "what in the world has happened after the wars end?!'' I was really shocked. my eyes widened, but I controlled my self quickly. My anger won't heal till I find the one who did this to Jeanne.

After a few seconds, Jeanne noticed me. She looked at me and showed her usual smile, "Thanks for god, I prayed you get better'' said showing nothing but a worm smile. ''what happened?'' I asked her. Her face turned sad, ''it was the king, he ordered to kill me, as a witch'' said Jeanne, ''What?! how could he do such a thing?! he gave us his word after all!!'', ''Desole, because of....'', ''you don't have to apologize, Jeanne, you should be proud of your self, you protect this land, and more of that you protect me, thank you Jeanne'', I smiled to her. I stood up, ''and this is my turn to protect you, Jeanne''.

The monastery or to be more exactly was a ruins of an old monastery, was very good place to hide. I sat next to Jeanne, around the fire, she was staring at the dancing flames with sad eyes. I tried to say something that would break this silence, ''Jeanne, we should leave this place, I guess the soldiers won't stop searching for you'' I suggested, ''but where should I go then? I don't have any place to go'' said Jeanne. ''who said you'll go alone? I will follow you to the very end, even to the bottom of the hell''

After that we escaped from the soldiers, we ran. Heading to unknown path. As long as we are together, there is nothing to fear. However the soldiers were after us.

A few days of walking, we reached to an old village. The people of that village were very strange. They were acting weird, I really wanted to leave the village as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Jeanne got a fever. I put a hand on her forehead to check, her head was burning like fire. "Oh my God, Jeanne, you're not alright at all!" I panicked, "cough, I am fine. cough...I can...continue" she said difficulty. I curried her and looked around the village for a doctor.

Non of the villagers appeared to help us, their gloomy eyes were pointed on us. "The hell, please save her life, I beg you!!" I reached my limits, "please, just save Jeanne..." The rain started falling, and the villagers disappeared from our sight.

I lost hope in finding help, but I didn't give up saving Jeanne. I walked into a gloomy forest, and rest under an old willow tree. I checked Jeanne's head once again, but the heat didn't get lower.

After an hour or two, Jeanne has awakened. "F-Francis...cough!" I hold her hand tightly. "yes, Jeanne. I am here for you, mon amour". she get up and leaned her head on my shoulder, "Désolé, Francis. I am really...!" I put a finger on her mouth to make her stop talking. "Shhhhh, now rest. we will talk more later, when you get better. now sleep" I leaned my head on her's.

Then I heared some strange sounds in the wood, a little by little the sounds gets more close and clear. When I realize it, it was the villagers with fire and picks and plowing tools screaming"kill the witch!! evil!! burn the witch!!" they got mad. I carried Jeanne and ran away deep in the creepy gloomy forest. The rain was falling and the wind was as cold as frozen sea waves.

"Over there! we find them!" a villager shouted, I ran until we reached a cliff above a river. "No good!" I whispered. "Francis, I can stand" Jeanne get up, "No, you're...!!" She kissed me, then she throw me into the river...

"Jeeeaaaanne! nooooo!!" she were looking at me with her blue eyes, smiling. the wind was blowing, and the rain turned into an ice, She spooked these words "Je T'aime, merci mon amour".....

After that, I fell into the flowing river, not remembering what happened to me after that. The only thing that I am sure of it, that Jeanne D'Arc was dead burning...That day, I cried like a crazy, I felt my heart sliced into two. Not knowing what should I do, or where should I go.

There was nothing in here(my heart) but Jeanne...


"That was how the Angelic Lily died" said Francis, Gilbert and Antonio's eyes turned into a waterfall. "A-are you guys crying?" asked Francis, "No, we're not...*sniff*" said Gilbert, "that was very sad" Antonio erasing his tears. "if I could only meet her for once..." Francis looked very sad that night, he even didn't eat his dinner, he still pointing his eyes on the full azure moon, with a pair of tears...

A few days later, in the city where they arrived. There was a guys assaults on a little girl. The musketeers hurried to help her, Gilbert told Antonio to teach these guys a lesson, so he did. Francis was helping the little girl. "Are you okay, mon a.....!" his eyes widened by seeing the girl's face. "Jeann..." he whispered, "Lisa!" a women called, "Mother!" she was looking like her...

"What are you doing, Francis?" Gilbert questioned. "know her, Amigo?"then Antonio, "......."Francis putting a hand on his chest then smiled, "Rest in peace, Jeanne D'Arc".

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