The tale of Francis Bonnefoy - brave

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One day before the battles begin, I was having a meeting in a tent, with his majesty the king. He was nervous somehow, and I was glaring at him, but he didn't noticed.

After we finished,I went to Jeanne's place. She noticed me, and turned smiling. I wasn't very sure what was that smile mean, but I stepped forward her. I looked straight to her eyes, I put my hands on her shoulders. ''Jeanne, may I ask you to leave this place?" I said, "Francis, what are you saying? I can't leave you..." she said, "Non, you must run away, I will deal with this all" I said looking at her eyes.

A moment of silence has arrived, the wind was cold that day, the clouds turned dark, and it's started raining. Jeanne was staring at me, then she opened her mouth "Why are you doing this for me, Francis?" I really didn't know why am I doing this for, but...I stepped to her more close, then I kissed her.

"I guess this is why I am doing this" then I left her alone; hoping she will run away.

The next day, the battle begins. The rain hasn't stop, the wind was strong as well, but the war know no mercy. That time I didn't saw Jeanne so I though she ran away, I smiled and felt relief.

The battle started, and the soldiers fought each other, the enemy was strong, but we can't lose either. The sounds of clashing swords was very heavy and the soldiers started to fall one by one just like the red leaves in autumn. But I didn't stop fighting, as long as I have a promise I have to keep.

"long time no see, Francis!" a voice come behind me. I turned to find that English eyebrowed brat, Arthur Kirkland, my blood started boiling, "well nice to see you again, little Arthur" we glared at each other, "Well then, let's have a little conversation...on our way!" he started with a strong attack with his sword, we fought, until one of us can stand.

At the very end I lost my strength, "how bloody you are, Francis. Shall I finish you now?" said Arthur. "as if that possible, you little..." he was pointing his sword at my nick. I really though this is my end, but only if I could..., "now, Francis. Speak your prays and say farewell to this cursed life!" he raised his sword, I closed my eyes, remembering her face, before I die.

Suddenly, I heard screaming, it was Arthur's, but how?! I opened my eyes to see Arthur covering his face, and the blood flowing from it. "Gaaaaaaaaah! Aaaah! My eye! My eye!" someone throw an arrow on Arthur's right eye.

Was it Jeanne?! Jeanne who throw that arrow on him! "what are you doing here?!" I yelled at her, "as I told you, Francis. I'm here to protect my land...and the one whom I love"

"no one can hurt the precious to me" said Jeanne. "bloody hell, huh. Depending on such a girl, how shame!!" said Arthur in pain. "Arthur, you...", "Withdraws from the battle!! Francis, don't think you won this battle, I shall curse you all!!!" then he left, and we won the battle.

Jeanne ran to me and hugged me, "we did it, Francis!" said smiling, I really didn't believe that, but I was very happy, and hugged her back. "Jeanne! Oh Jeanne!" I lost my words.

But I felt strange, I was losing my realization. Everything turned black, I heard some one calling my name. Is it Jeanne screaming? Or....

Am I dying?


I am so SORRY England :"((

my heart was aching when i wrote it...sorry everyone for that...

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See you next chapter *sob*

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