The Tale Of Francis Bonnefoy - Passion

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In the morning, we arrived to small town, Jeanne went to the blacksmith to buy an armor, and I was waiting her in front of the blacksmith, she took a lot of time, I worried about her, so I opened the door quickly.

When I opened the door, I saw her. She was looking like an Angel, "what a beauty!" I said, and stared at her in wonder, she cut her long golden hair, and wore the armor outfit, ''let's go, monsieur Francis" Jeanne said smiling, "Ah, oui", then we continued our way to the palace, to say the truth, I don't want let Jeanne go and sacrifice her life, my heart was hurting me so much, so I tried to stop her.

"Finally, the palace" Jeanne said, the palace gates were closed, and no one answer us, "give it up, Jeanne, they won't open it, they won't let us go there" I want her to give it up, to keep her safe, but she didn't listen, "non! I must warn them" she was serious, I sighed hopelessly, I stepped ahead and yelled, "this is count Bonnefoy! allow me to meet the king!", then a soldier's voices "count Bonnefoy?! they didn't tell us he was coming!", Jeanne was shocked by hearing that, the gate opened, "let's go, mademoiselle" I winked.

We reached the royal hall, "Oh! count Bonnefoy, bien chance, glad you come!" the king was happy to see me, of course he will, I was a general in the army once, and he want me to join the army again, "hahaha, Oui, bien chance" my panicked face was totally showed, "what's wrong Bonnefoy? you look tired, and, and who is she?" the king asked me, then he turned to Jeanne.

She walked to the king bravely, "your Majesty, allow me to speak" the king felt nervous, about her, "speak, then" said the king, "the weak me heard a voices in a dream I saw, this land was calling for me to save it, from this mean less war" the king's face turned red, angry of hearing that, "what are you saying?! you witch!!" the king was about to slap her, but I covered her and took the punch.

"Bonnefoy, you come to my castle to make me hear such a wicth's amusing stories?!!" the king yelled, I was wiping the blood from my face, ''how rude of you, your Majesty, I didn't though you were about to slap a woman's face'' I said, "soldiers!! soldiers!! throw these two in the dungeon!!", the king yelled to his guards, "what?! Jeanne, run!!", I took her hand and ran, I grabbed my sword in case.

And as I though, the soldiers surrounded us, protecting Jeanne is my priority, but she wasn't scared at all, "I refuse to die here" she grabbed her sword and started fighting the soldiers, her fighting skills was amazing, like the dancing lily in the morning breeze.

After seeing his soldiers, the king, has no word to say. "what exactly are you?!" said the king, "forgive my rude, your majesty. but me, ain't a witch" said Jeanne, "your majesty, allow me to join this war, as a general again" I said that without thinking, a silent moment has arrived, till the king say, "well, how about having a deal?" the king suggested, it sounds no good, "if you win this war, you and this mademoiselle will be free and go on your own, but in case we lose this war, you will suffer!".

"ouch! that's hurt!" Jeanne was treating my wounds, "oh, désolé, Francis" smiled Jeanne. after we accepted the king's offer, we left the palace and sat next to a fountain. the red sky at sunset, was so sad.

I looked to Jeanne and took her hand, and straight I looked at her blue eyes, "Jeanne, this is not your place, not in the battlefield, no matter how strong you are, you still a young girl, so you don't have to do such thing" I was almost dead of warrying about her, her eyes widened, "then where should be my place?" she asked innocently, suddenly her eyes filled by tears, "désolé, désolé! did I said something cruel?!" I was totally panicked, I didn't know what to do, so I hugged her tightly.

"I don't want to do this! désolé, Francis! because of me, you are...!!" Jeanne was crying, the burden on her shoulders was heavy for sure, I leaned her head on my shoulder, and tried to make her calm down.

"it will be alright, I will protect you, Jeanne" she felt asleep, her warm tears was dropping on my chest, I looked at her beautiful face, then I kissed her forehead.

At that time, I felt between happiness, and sorrow.....

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