Boss and Lackey - Reunion (part 2)

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"Lovino..!!" shocked Antonio by seeing Lovino after a long time, Lovino rolled his eyes then sighed. "I didn't though that I will meet ya....!!'' Antonio jumped on Lovino and hugged him tightly. "It's really you, Lovino!!"

"Hey! get of me, Bastardo!!" Lovino was trying to free himself but Antonio was hugging him strongly. "I really...didn't though that I'll meet you again..." Antonio was looks like relief or something. Francis got closing to Gilbert then whispered in his ear, "Mon ami, who's that young? He is looking...cute" Francis was looking at Lovino with creepy face, "Oh, as I remember he was Antonio's followers or something".

Then, the four back to their house. Antonio was very happy that night, so he suggested to have a drink and sing. Of course, all agreed with that expect Lovino who was embarrassed a little. They had fun that night, but this peace no longer will stay.

After enjoying drinking, all went to their beds, for Lovino, he would stay in Antonio's room. beside, there wasn't enough rooms either. "Glad to see you, Lovino" Antonio smiled, "it's the nineteenth time, so stop it already!!" Lovino was getting his pillow and place it next to Antonio's. "...And why would I share the bed with you!?" Lovino hissed, "because there's no rooms and it's too small" Antonio replied, "Chigi!" Lovino hissed once again while lying his back on the bed.

At the same moment, Antonio jumped on Lovino, "Chigi!! what the hell are you...!!" Antonio's face was almost serious, he was looking straight at Lovino's eye. "How long would you keeping me waiting, Lovi?" Lovino's eyes widened and blushed strongly. "how long you say?! just get off of me!!" Lovino was trying to free himself of Antonio, but Antonio won't move.

Antonio was getting his face more closer to Lovino's, "tell me, why did you disappeared once before? you were happy when we was together, remember?" Antonio whispered in Lovino's ears, "I-I said get of me now, ya bastardo!! and second, I don't have to tell you anything, jerk!!" Lovino's face was all red.

A moment of silence passed, and Antonio won't get of Lovino. "'re right. I'm not your Boss anymore...sorry Lovino" Antonio faked a smile, that's not like him at all, then he closed the space between them with a kiss on Lovino's forehead. "stop that and...Get of!!" Lovino freed himself from Antonio and rolled to the otherside, "Jerk, tomato bastardo, stupido!!" then he cursed Antonio until he fell asleep.

"Ahhaha, you always as ever, Lovi. buenas noches , cariño." then he kissed him again on the head. "...just...go...away...zzzz" Lovino's sleep talking.

At the late of the night, Lovino opened his eyes to found that Antonio was roping his arms on Lovino, "...chigi, bastardo..." then he get back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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