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Anirudh Could clearly understood the Pain she was Undergoing, His whole Family was against his decision of letting Bondita take over the Case. He just quietened Everyone that Only Bondita will Decide what she should do !

Bondita seemed Stern not letting her Gaurds regarding her Decision as All her hopes Died with the Fire, Her mother was caught in. If she  went ten minutes late she could have last her Mother too. 

She was Broken completely when Her father was brutally killed still she thought to answer the samaj by fulfilling their Dream. She wanted to convert all her anger and Grief into Fuel But she couldnot stay strong after the second Blow as Her bearing capacity was crossed.

They left her takuma's House where they Had everything, They stayed in a small hut even slept empty stomachs but Their dream made them Run. She had her courage in the Form of her Father, Once he has gone she was filled with Rage hence she gave her exams converting her whole pain into her studies.

She used to get continious warnings from samajh and Village people yet she stayed focus as her Mother Stood by her. When they attacked her Mother that day she decided she couldnot offord her Mother because of her dream.

She started to be scared of her Dream, It seemed to be Raakshas, who consumes her dear ones. She hated herself for Dreaming as she struggled to do her Maa's Treatment. Each and every day she toiled from morning to night so that she can give her Mother Treatment. Finally she had to do the Thing which she hates most vahu vivaah as She have seen how her Father loved Her mother.

According to her if a Women is not supposed to Marry again then Men should not ! If the society saw Women Marrying Even tough she was a  Widow or divorce then How come Men Marrying when their Wife is alive justified ?  But For the sake of her Mother she had to go against her Principles.

Anirudh could clearly understand as she have narrated some and her diary he got from the Iron box written by her. She was Scared and Wanted to run away from her dreams. She held her responsible for all the things happened. Anirudh believed that she had to break the fear and come forward to Inspire girls to Dream. He could Cleary see the Transformation in her Because  of fear.

He didn't even thought her to be such an Inspiring girl she has been ! untill he read her Diary. The relationship she shared with her Father and struggles they came across! He decided to Rescue her but not by running but by overcoming the Fear and show Women can do anything.

Anirudh had heared about that girls capacity through the Barrister Subodh Chaterjee who attended intercollege debate competition in calcutta Law university, How her Tarks and Logics will defeat geniuses and make them stutter. That day was enough to proove who she actually was but he Himself didn't know why she didn't receive the Degree and Became First Female Barrister of Bengal. He waited for The announcement of First Female Barrister Passing out but later got to know she haven't receiver her degree.

He shared all the things he knew when he Met Anirudh. He was delighted that he could make more Girls educate if the Girl comes out and he started to search for her and atlast he got her in his house and that too his wife.

Anirudh Himself  researched things after knowing that she was actually a Lion in disguise of Cat. As said wounded Lion is More Powerful, It will Hunt more fiercely but in Bondita's case wounds were not in her Body rather in her heart and Mind which is Forbidding her from moving towards her Dream. She had built a Iron wall around her to save herself from the Fear that she loose hers if she choose step on the Path. She will return Powerful Once all Fear of her shattered into Pieces and it happens when there is a need. 

Anirudh started to wait for the need that will unravel the First Female Barrister. There came way through Bairavi. Even Anirudh was aware that the particular case was Risky even for him as A man to Handle yet he choose To introduce Bondita to the World as a Barrister through this Case. He was Confident that he will Protect her at any cause from Anderson's Fury. But he cannot let Innocent girl Bairavi to go without Getting justice.

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