The Simple Game That Started It All

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No pov

All of the four girls where at Spencer's house, in her living room just talking about random crap like they always do at sleepovers. Three of the girls just thought it was a normal comfortable sleepover, but one of them felt the most uncomfortable she has ever been in her entire life. It wasn't because she wasn't comfortable at Spencer's house cause why wouldn't she, spencer was her best friend but, she just wasn't comfortable around spencer herself. This was because she was madly in love with her.

Emily's pov

I just can't keep my eye off of Spencer, she's so beautiful I don't even know how to describe it she just is. I've had a crush on Spencer for about two years now and my feelings just keep growing and growing and I can't help it. We where all talking when all of a sudden we stopped. There was an awkward silence so I spoke up
"So guys what do you wanna do?
"Movie night?" Aria answered
"I would say yes if we where at ur house or Emily's but all Spence has are boring documentarys." Hanna replied laughing
"Hey I do not only have documentarys!"
"Well what ever you have probably sucks ass anyways so let's do something else." Hanna stated. We where all thinking for probably about two minutes when Hanna piped up
"Oh! I have an idea, let's play truth or dare!"
"Okay I guess we can play that." Aria said.
" so are you guys in?" Hanna asked.
"Sure" spencer and I said at the same time. It made me blush so I looked down at my nails.
"We need alcohol for this, Spence do you have any?" Hanna asked
"Why wouldnt we have any c'mon Han do you seriously have to ask me that?" Spencer asked laughing.
"Shut up, just get it already would you? Hurry up!" Hanna shouted.
"Someone's a little grouchy today."
Spencer stated.
"Only for you Spence only for you." Hanna said, and spencer just rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen, too the wine cooler. She opened it and asked "red or white?"
"Both" Hanna replied.
"I'll go with red" Aria said
"Me too" I replied. So spencer grabbed the wine closed to cooler, then got the wine glasses from the cabinet, walked back tho the living room and sat down. She then poured an even amount into everyone's glasses and gave it to them.
"Ok I'll go first then we'll do it random but before that we have to drink our first glass." Hanna said
"Ugh fine" Spencer replied.
"So on the count of three we'll drink" Hanna stated and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Ok... One... Two... three!" Hanna shouted. Then they all gulped down their glasses and where ready to start the game.
"Ok I'll ask first and I pick Spencer" Hanna said
"Why me?" Spencer replied
"Cause I want to ask you so spence truth or dare?" Hanna asked
"Since it's the beginning I'm gonna go with truth" Spencer answered
"Ugh ok so um did you and Toby do it when you where together?" Hanna asked with a smirk on her face. In the meantime I was just trying not to blush with every move Spencer made, and that question just made me so angry and I don't know why so I butted in
"Spence you don't have to answer that"
"It's okay Em It's not that bad and you guys are my best friend so you should know that yes I did do it with Toby" Spencer answered
"Oh my god yay!! Congrats!"
Hanna shouted really loud and started jumping up and down and ended up falling off the couch. Aria then jumped up and asked "omg Han are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine I got really excited for spence that I almost broke a bone" Hanna replied laughing, then we all ended up laughing for about two minutes non stop.
"Ok so let's get back to the game and I'm asking Hanna" Spencer said
"Ok so I asked spence, now she's gonna ask me then arias gonna ask Emily then em is gonna ask aria then for next round em and I will ask eachother and spence and aria got it?" Hanna asked
"Yup" we replied in unison.
"Ok so Han truth or dare?" Spencer asked
"Dare!" Hanna shouted
"Ok um I dare you to kiss aria" Spencer said
"Easy, come here aria"Hanna said and waved for her to come over. So aria walked over to her side and sat down.
"You ready?" Aria asked
"Yup as ready as I'll ever be" Hanna replied, and with that Hanna smashed their lips together. Aria was shocked she did it so hard but them she reciprocated for a couple seconds then pulled away.
"You're a good kisser" aria stated
"Same to you" Hanna replied.aria then walked back to her seat next to Emily and sat back down.
"Ok so now it's my turn to ask you em, truth or dare?" Aria asked
"Um I'll play it safe with truth" Emily answered
"You and spence are no fun with the truths seriously!" Hanna said
"Shut up Han!" Both Spencer and I shouted at the same time... Again and I had to pretend to fix my shirt to not let them see that I was blushing.
"Ok so did you do it with Paige before you broke up?" Aria asked
"No we were planning on it but you know we broke up so we never got the chance" I replied it was kind of weird talking about Paige because they think we just had normal fights and that's why we broke up but I lied and I feel so guilty.
"Do you still want to I mean with her?" Hanna asked
"No I don't" I replied
"Ok so let's move on em you have to ask me" Aria said
"Oh right truth or dare?" I asked Aria
"Truth sorry Han you're the only risk taker so far" aria replied
"Ugh I hate you all seriously" Hanna said rather annoyed
"Ok so um who's you're girl crush?" I asked
"Um I guess Hanna but I'm straight remember I was with Ezra" aria replied laughing.
"Thanks ari I love you too" Hanna said and blew aria a kiss then laughed.
"Now it's round dos girls get ready for another drink!" Hanna littereally screamed. Then she poured is all more wine in our glasses.
"Ok... 1 2 3 go!" We all drank our drinks besides Spencer she drank a little then spilled the rest back into the bottle but I didn't say anything.
"Now it's my turn to ask Em so Em truth or dare?" Hanna asked
"Truth" I replied
"Seriously again with the truth but whatever so since you're not dating Paige who's your crush?" Hanna asked. I didn't know what to say I couldn't say it was Spencer cause she was right there so I said "um I I d-don't know"
"Yes you do I know when you lie because you stutter" Hanna said and she caught me crap I don't know what to say now "I c-can't say it" I replied
"Why where your your best friends you seriously can't tell us?" Hanna asked
"Han leave her alone" Spencer said
"No I won't cause we tell her everything and now she's hiding something that really shouldn't be hidden from us!" Hanna shouted
"Hanna stop!" Aria shouted
"No you stop! Please Emily tell us" hanna pleaded
Everyone was screaming at eachother and Hanna was trying to get me to say it so I finally gave up I couldn't take it anymore
"Fine! I'll tell you just calm down! Seriously it's Spencer okay? That's why I didn't want to say anything but all your screaming was getting on my nerves so there I love you Spencer!!" I scream cried but now I was balling my eyes out not looking at anyone.
"Hey em?" Aria asked which made me look up
"Yeah?" I replied
" it's okay that you like her I'm sorry we were yelling and making you say it I really am" Aria said trying to comfort me.
"I'm sorry too I just don't like when people hide things from me please forgive me?" Hanna said
"Of course" I said still crying and I hugged her.
"Guys where's Spencer?" Aria asked then Hanna and I stopped hugging and looked around the room.
"I don't know I thought she was here" Hanna said but after that I started balling again "I made her leave she hates me now! I ruined my own life and hers!!!" I screamed being comforted by Hanna again
"Shhh it's okay we'll find her don't worry she doesn't hate you Em" Hanna said rubbing my back
"I'll go find her" aria said and got up looked out the window and said "her cars gone you guys stay here I know where she went" then she ran out the door
"Why did she leave?" I asked
"I don't know we'll find out don't worry" Hanna replied
"Can we go to my house I don't want to be here if she comes back I ruined her life and made her leave she probably doesn't want to see me" I said to Hanna
"Okay let's go I'll stay with you" with that we got up and drove to my house and texted aria that we where going there.

It all started with truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now