Reunited And Back To Normal

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Hannas pov

"Finally!" I scream when I ended the call with Spencer
"Yeah seriously I'm so happy!" Aria screamed
"Let's have a dance party!" I scream getting up to get Spencers speakers
"Are you 10 Han?" Aria said jokingly
"No, I'm just happy and I have the perfect song for this" I said excitingly then turned on the song and started singing and dancing along
"Yes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be
Where I was right there
Right next to you"
"Really Han this song is sad" Aria said
"It represents what happened perfectly" I said still singing
"True" Aria said
"Dance with me" I said dragging Aria out of the chair.
"I'm only doing this because I love you" Aria said. And we started dancing together.

"And it's hard
The days just seems so dark
The moon, the stars
Are nothing without you

Your touch, your skin
Where do I begin?
No words can explain
The way I'm missing you" we both sang with our arms around eachother swaying

"Deny this emptiness
This hole that I'm inside
These tears
They tell their own story" we sang starting to really get into it. We started spinning eachother and falling back into eachothers arms and when the chorus came we where going crazy.

"Can I lay by your side?
Next to you, you
And make sure you're alright
I'll take care of you
I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight" we sang and we stood on the coffee table and where dancing and kissing multiple times

Spencer's pov
We got to my house and I parked in the driveway. We both got out of the car and we walked up to the door and Emily grabbed my hand. I looked at her and kissed her.
"Oh I've missed you" I said
"I missed you too" Emily said and smiled. I opened the door and walked in. We heard music coming from the living room
"Is your sister home?" Emily asked. I didn't answer we just walked into the living room and saw Hanna and Aria dancing on my coffee table and kissing.
"They're here?" Emily asked
"Yup" I answered laughing at what they where doing
"Hanna and Aria you get down from there right now!" I screamed. They both looked at me then smiled really big, then Aria got down and helped Hanna even though she didn't need it. The song ended and I said " well that was interesting"
"It was her idea" Aria said pointing at Hanna
"Hey you agreed" Hanna said
"Okay stop arguing, why where you here when Spencer wasn't even home?" Emily asked
"We where waiting" Hanna said
"For what?" Emily asked
"For you guys" Hanna said
"How did you know if I was going to be here?" Emily asked
"We where on the phone with Spencer while you where having your conversation, Spencer felt more comfortable doing this" Aria said
"Why?" Emily asked
"I was scared of what you where going to say and I needed them there but not physically there" I said
"Oh" Emily said
"Please don't be mad" I said
"I'm not don't worry" Emily said smiling
"Let's reenact our favorite part" Hanna said to aria
"Okay" Aria said
"I'll be Em you be Spence" Hanna said
"Are you seriously going to reenact this?" I ask
"Yes now shush" Hanna said
"Okay okay" I said
"You're not the weakest link you're crazy, if you where weak and shy you wouldn't have cursed me out in the bathroom" Aria said
"I'm sorry for that I-" hanna said
"No I deserved it" Aria said touching Hannas arm
"No you didn't, but do you know what we both deserve?" Hanna asked getting closer to Aria
"What?" Aria asked
"This" Hanna said and kissed Aria passionately
"I love you " Aria said
"I love you too" Hanna responded smiling
"Wow how did you remember that exactly?" Emily asked
"It was a really good moment, even for us" Hanna said
"That was really good, but I think the kiss was more like this" I said and kissed Emily
"Well we couldn't see it so it was good enough and I loved it" Aria said
"Aw you're so cute" I said
"Thanks Spencie" Hanna responded
"Ive missed this so much" Emily said
"Me too, oh and yesterday when I said everything would be back to normal, I was right!" Hanna screamed
"Yup you where" Emily responded
"I missed you guys so much" I said
"We missed too Spencie" Hanna said then hugged me.
"Do you guys wanna stay here tonight?" I asked
"Is that even a question?" Emily asked
"It was mainly meant for the other two lovers" I said laughing
"Hell yeah I'm staying, we haven't all been together in a week it's too long" hanna said
"A week isn't long Han" Aria said
"Well being without your best friend for that amount of time is long okay?" Hanna said
"Of course Hanna banana, you're acctually right for once" Aria said laughing
"Hey" Hanna said hitting Aria
"No violence guys geez" Emily said laughing
"She started it" Hanna said putting her finger in Aria's face
"Get your nasty ass finger out of my face" Aria said
"It's not nasty you're so mean" Hanna said pouting still with her finger in Aria's face. Aria took her finger,kissed it and put it down.
"You're right it's not nasty, I'm sorry baby forgive me" Aria said
"Of course princess" Hanna said kissing Aria's nose.
"Are you guys done now? Seriously it's always something every single day" emily said
"Hey it's cute and I haven't seen it before so let them be or we can ignore them while we do our own thing" i said grabbing Emily's hips
"Do you know how much I love you?" Emily said turning to me
"No can you show me?" I ask
"Absolutely" Emily said and kissed me.
"Ehem" Hanna said so we stopped and looked at them
"What? We need to make up for lost time" I said
"Can you do that later? I want to do something with all of us, since we also lost time" Hanna said
"Okay what do you suggest we do?"I asked
"Well since our last group truth or dare didn't go as planned let's try it again, no alcohol nothing inappropriate either" Hanna said
"Who are you and what have you done with my best friend? since when are you sober for truth or dare?" I asked
"First I don't want it to end bad, and second I love hearing you say I'm your best friend again" Hanna said smiling
"You always where my best friend" i say
"Even last week?" Hanna asked
"Yup maybe I said I wasn't, but I really was and am still your best friend" I said
"awe I love you Spencie" Hanna said hugging me
"Wow you just flirt with everyone don't you?" Aria asked jokingly
"I wasn't flirting Ari relax, I love you" Hanna said pecking Arias nose
"Okay let's play the game already" Emily said
"same order as last time okay?" Hanna asked
"Yup and I choose truth" I responded
"Okay so Spencer, how much did you miss me personally?" Hanna asked
"A lot I even cried so yeah a lot.I thought I lost you forever" I said looking down
"Awe Spencie you'll never loose me, don't worry even if you call me hefty you're my sister so I love you" Hanna said grabbing My hand
"I love you too Han" I said and hugged Hanna
"Okay are we going to play the game?" Emily asked changing the topic
"Oh yeah now it's my turn to ask Han" I said
"I pick truth" Hanna said
"Okay so how did Haria end up happening?" I asked
"Well long story short Aria realized she had feelings for me after you dared us to kiss. Then after that I developed feelings for her, because she's so sweet and caring and helped me get through this" Hanna said
"Aw that's so cute" I said smiling at them
"It's weird how it happened so fast, but I'm glad it did because I love her so much" Aria said grabbing Hannas hand
"I love you too baby" Hanna said and kissed Aria
"Okay are we going to finish the game?" Emily asked
"Babe let them have their moment" I said to Emily
"I love it what you call me babe" Emily said smily at me
"I love it when you're so cute" I said and kissed her.
"Okay so it's my turn to ask Aria" Emily said facing Aria
"Ok I pick truth" Aria responded
"Um do you still like Ezra?" Emily asked
"I'm not going to lie yes I do have slight feelings for him, but I'm with Han and I love her with all my heart, and I only like Ezra a little bit, which is okay cause Han likes you a little too" Aria responded
"It's true, I still do but I mean who doesn't? just look at her" Hanna said
"Thanks Han, and you already know who my top 4 girls are, and you're one of them" Emily said
"Flirting again? Geez guys this is like the third time" Aria said
"Yeah seriously, and you have a top 4 Em?" I ask kinda upset
"Hanna, Alison, Aria and you're obviously on the top Spence come on I love you" Emily said grabbing my hand
"And it's just a joke now that we flirt to get on Arias nerves"Emily laughed
"It is but I'm sorry baby, I love you and you know it" Hanna said hugging Aria
"I know, I love you too" Aria said
"Do you know what we all need to do?" Hanna asked
"What?" I responded
"Go on date, cause seriously we haven't been on a date yet" Hanna said looking at all of us
"We really do, I mean we've been together for a week and still havnt even really been alone together" Aria responded
"You could've been alone if I wasn't with you 24/7" Emily said looking down
"Em we made you be with us, none of us could be alone we needed each other" Hanna said smiling at Emily
"Do you guys realize that everyone of us made a mistake this past week and we can't blame why this all happened on one person" I said
"See this is why I missed your smarts Spence, youre right but let's plan the dates" Aria responded
"Are we going on seperate dates or double?" Emily asked
"First should be alone, then we will do a double date" Hanna said
"Okay so Han and I will plan for the dates and you two will do whatever" I responded
"okay that's a plan but I'm tired lets go to sleep" Hanna said
"Okay I guess Em and I will go to my room, and you guys stay down here?" I asked
"Okay sure goodnight Spemily" Aria said smiling at us
"Night Haria and Han you better get your ass up early tomorrow" I said
"ugh why?" Hanna asked rolling her eyes
"You know why" I said eyeing Hanna. She didn't say anything so Em and I went upstairs got in my bed and drifted to sleep.

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