Confessions Confessions

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Hanna's pov
I couldn't fall asleep, because all I was thinking about was Spencer and Emily. I'm happy for them but I felt a pang of jealousy of Spencer, she is with the love of her life while I'm here not. The reason is because she's with the love of my life, and I keep lying to them about Caleb. I'm not even with him anymore ever since he found out about my little crush, we decided it would be best to stay friends and not be together and then he moved.
"Han are you awake?" Aria asked which startled me
"Yeah I can't sleep" I respond
"Good cause I need to talk to you" aria said
"About what?" I ask
"Emily and Spencer" aria responded
"Okay" I said and turned the lamp on and sat up.
"Why all of a sudden when we found out they're together you looked really upset?" Aria asked
"I told you I had a fight with caleb" I responded
"Han, I know you and I know Caleb so I know you guys wouldn't fight over text" aria said
"There's nothing wrong" I said trying to sound confident with my answer.
"Yes there is I know there is and we are nothing going to sleep until you tell me" Aria demanded
"Fine, I broke up with Caleb and he moved about a week ago" I said
"Why?" Aria asked
"It didn't feel right anymore" I responded
"Hanna" Aria said
"Aria" I responded
"What really happened?" Aria asked and she would bug me all night about it so I finally gave in
"I'm in love with Emily" I said looking away and tears brimming my eyes.
"You're what now?" Aria asked shocked
"In love with Emily" I said crying now
"Shhhh Han it's okay don't cry" Aria said rubbing my back
"It's not okay I want Emily and Spencer to be happy, I love to see them smile that's why I'm so over protective of emily because I don't want someone to hurt her, but at the same time I want her to myself, I want to call her my girlfriend I want to go on dates with her I want to kiss her I want to cuddle with her and a whole lot more, but before this happened I thought I might have a chance with her but now I'll never get a chance to be with the love of my life and it hurts." I said crying harder now
" I have an idea" aria said
"What is it?" I ask
"Do you write about Emily in your diary?" She asks
"Of course I write about all of you I'm even going to write about our kiss and how it felt good to kiss a girl" I said
"Wait you liked our kiss?" Aria asked
"Yeah I don't know it just felt good I mean I wouldve like to have kissed emily but you felt good too" I said
"I thought it felt good too but I'm not gay or bi but now I might be bi curious" Aria confessed
"Really because of me?" I asked
"Yeah maybe it's just you I kinda like" aria said
"Wow how did you say that so easily to the person you're kinda crushing on?" I ask aria surprised
"It wasn't easy trust me but this isn't about me this is about you maybe getting your chance with the girl you love" aria said and smiled
" you're so sweet did you know that?" I asked
"No you're the first one to say it" aria said
"Well you are" I said and pecked her lips
"Sorry I didn't mean to confuse you I just got caught up in the moment" I said before letting her speak.
"It's okay" aria said
"Okay so what's the plan?" I ask
"You're going to get your diary and leave it in her room open 'on accident' and hopes she reads it" aria said
"And what if she doesn't?" I ask
"Oh she will I promise you she's very curious of other people's business especially her best friends" aria responded
"Okay I actually have it with me so when Spencer leaves in the morning for field hockey then I'll put it on her bed" I said and smiled officially not crying
"Okay perfect, I love it when you're happy" aria said
"I told you that you where sweet" I said
"Thanks let's go to sleep so we can start this plan" Aria said
"Okay goodnight Aria and thanks for helping me even when you're struggling with your own feelings about me yourself" I said
"You're welcome goodnight" Aria said and she got back into the blankets.
"Goodnight" I said and turned off the lights and got back into the covers
"Wait Ari" I said
"Yes?" She asked
"Can you cuddle with me I'm sorry I just I don't know sorry I'm messing with your feelings but I just really wanna cuddle with you" I said hesitantly
"I'll cuddle with you, don't be scared to ask me" Aria said
"Thank you" I said and with that Aria turned over pushed her body against mine and wrapped her arms around me, I took her hand and intertwined our fingers then we drifted off to sleep.

It all started with truth or dareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora