Forgivness From Only One... So Far

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Spencer's pov

I was at home reading, well trying to read because all I was thinking about was what Emily said. I've been thinking about it since the minute she said it. I even broke up with Toby, but he understood why and he agreed to stay friends. I was trying avoid all three of them the best I could. I went too far and I regret it. I need to fix this and I need to fix this now, because it might already be too late. I love them all, but i really made it seem like I didn't even want them here. I hurt Hanna the most and I know it, I mean verbally I hurt them all a lot, but Hanna I said the worst things to and I needed to talk to her. I knew she was at Emily's so I drove there and sat in her driveway. I texted Hanna and asked her to come out. I started to cry and I couldn't stop. I was just crying and crying waiting for her.

Hannas pov

"Thanks for dinner Em it was really good" I said. She made spaghettini, and it was so good
"Thank you it's my moms recipe" Emily responded
"Yeah it was delicious" Aria said
Just then my phone vibrated. I got a text from Spencer 'I need to talk to you and just you at the moment please come outside, I'm in Emily's driveway' I didn't want them to worry so I said "my mom wants me to call her I'm going to go outside"
"Okay" they both said, and I walked outside and saw Spencer's car, I walked over and got in the passenger seat and saw she was crying.
"Spencer what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask
"Hanna I went too far, I'm really sorry I shouldn't have said those things I'm such a bitch and I deserve to go to hell for this I hurt you the most and I know it, that's why I needed to talk to you seperatly. Hanna I love you like a sister I care so much about you, and I'm so sorry, I miss you" Spencer said. My heart sank when she said that. Spencer never ever cries unless something really hurt her.
"Spencer you don't deserve to go to hell don't say that" I said
"I do, I really do, I don't even deserve to be on this earth right now, if I died no one would care because I have no one who loves me anymore, I ruined it all" Spencer said
"Spencer Hastings you stop that right now or I'll leave" I said being serious
"Okay I'm sorry I just ruined my own life" Spencer said still crying hysterically
"No you didn't" I said starting to choke up because I hated what she was saying about herself.
"How? You all hate me because I was such a bitch I'm so stupid!" Spencer screamed banging her hands on the steeling stearing wheel and put her head on it.
"If I hated you then I wouldn't have come out here Spencer" I said
"I'm sorry I called you that name and a whore slut butch asshole. I'm sorry I said you were downgrading with Aria, I know you really love her i could see it it your eyes, you're deffinatly not downgrading I'm sorry I said all of that" Spencer said still not looking at me.
"Spencer look at me" she pulled her head up and looked at me with tear streaked eyes and her mascara running, so I went to go wipe it with my thumb but she flinched
"Relax I'm not going to hurt you" I said then wiped her face "Spencer I know this might be hard to believe from me at least but I forgive you" I said
"You do? I was so mean, I was like Alison" Spencer said
"Yeah acctually we called you Alison's evil bitch twin I'm sorry" I said
"Don't be, I did way way worse then that I deserve it" Spencer said
"No you don't spencer stop saying that" I said
"I'm sorry for everything" Spencer said
"Stop saying that, you've said it enough to me at least and Spence?"
"Yeah" she answered
"I didn't tell the girls, but since the first day we stopped you know being friends every night I would cry because I missed you, and cry because of what happened to you" I said tearing up. "I missed you Spence I love you" I said crying now
"I love you too" she said smiling at me. I hugged her so tight I could barley breathe
"Well, shouldn't you be getting back to your girlfriend and your best friend?" Spencer asked
"Oh Spence you're funny" I said laughing
"What why?" She asked
"You're my best friend too you know, so if you're not busy I would like to hang out with you tonight, team spanna" I said smiling
"Oh okay I thought I still wasn't even considered a friend" Spencer said
"Spencer Jillian Hastings I'm your best friend and your only friend at the moment so drive" I said
"Okay, and hey I do have friends!" Spencer said
"Oh like who?" I ask
"Toby" Spencer said
"Oh please, I'm sorry I hate to break it to you but he's not going to be there for you for the rest of your life, but you know who will?" I ask
"You?" Spencer questions
"Exactly, and so will Aria and Emily if you apologize to them" I said
"I will tomorrow I promise I need to talk to Emily alone but Aria I just can't" Spencer said
"I'll stay by you to make sure she forgives you. One kiss from me and boom she'll forgive you" I said
"Okay, thank you han" Spencer said
"No problamo" I said. Once we reached Spencer's house we got out of the car, and went inside "oh I've missed this" I said
"My house?" Spencer asked laughing
"Yes I just did okay?" I ask
"Okay, you know Han you crack me up sometimes" Spencer said
"I know" I said. Then I hear my phone ringing, it was Emily I put it on speaker "hello?" I say
"Where the hell are you? Arias been here pacing for the past ten minutes worried sick and me, I've been crazy" Emily said
"I had to go home my mom needed me in a hurry and my phone died it just turned back on ,I'm sorry" I said
"You got me worried sick Han, seriously I almost had a panic attack!" Aria screamed
"I'm sorry Aria I'm fine" I replied
"Okay good, are you staying home tonight?" Aria asked
"Yeah, but I promise tomorrow we'll all have a sleepover, and it'll be like normal again" I say smiling at Spencer
"What do you mean by normal?" Aria asked
"You'll see" I say
"Okay, we'll let you go now" Emily said
"Yeah I love you babe" Aria said. Then I blushed and Spencer saw
"I love you too munchkin" I say
"Okay enough with the I love yous, stop making me jealous of your love life, anyways bye Han" Emily said
"Bye Em you won't be jealous soon enough" I said
"What is that supposed to mean?" Emily asked
"Bye Em" I said then hung up.
"I hate lying to them" I said
"It's kinda my fault too" Spencer said
"Spence not everything's your fault" I said
"I know it's just-" I cut her off
"Stop Spencer" I said
"Okay okay anyways God I missed Ems voice" Spencer said
"I bet you did, but she still loves you" I said
"No she doesn't" Spencer said
"Yes she does, she wants you back, you just have to apologize but first to aria and when they both ask when you apologized to me then say the truth, they just couldn't know tonight" I said
"Okay you know you're a really good friend" Spencer said
"Yeah one that kisses her best friend who is also her best friend girlfriend" I said
"Yeah well I don't care about that anymore" Spencer said
"im sorry for that by the way" I said
"I know you are, and can I ask you something?" Spencer asked
"Of course you can" I said
"When Emily and I talk can you be on the phone, I want you to hear what we say" Spencer asked
"Sure of course Spence. Let's go to sleep so we can hurry and get your life back" I said
"Okay night Han thank you" Spencer said
" night Spence" I said then we fell asleep on her couch.

It all started with truth or dareDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora