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Hanna's pov

Aria and I have been together for a month and one day. Our anniversary was yesterday, we had our 5th date and it was so great. I'm at home and Aria is supposed to meet me at my house, so we can go to Spencer's to all hangout, which we do everyday. I was sitting at the table on my phone, when I heard the doorbell. I got up and opened the door expecting Aria, but it was Caleb
"Caleb, you're back" I said
"Yeah I am" he said. I didn't want my mom to hear us so we stepped outside
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"I missed you" he said then pulled me into a kiss,when I heard a car door close. I tried to pull away but it was too late Aria saw
"Aria wait!" I screamed and ran too her car, but she sped away. I turned back to Caleb tears streaming down my face
"Just leave please" I said, he didn't say a word he just walked down my steps got into his car and left. I immediately got in my car and drove to Spencer's house

Arias pov

I drove to Hannas house got out of the car,looked up and saw her kissing Caleb. I got in my car and slammed the door. She heard and tried to run to me, but I sped away to Spencer's house, tears streaming down my face. Once I got to Spencer's house I didn't bother to knock, I just barged in which made Emily and Spencer both jump. I closed the door, walked to the couch and sat down crying hysterically.
"Aria what happened?" Emily asked
"H-hanna k-kissed Caleb" I managed to get out before balling again, and Spencer was rubbing my back.

Hannas pov

I barely got to Spencer's house, because I couldn't even see the road with all the tears. I parked my car got out and walked to the front door. I didn't even bother knocking at that point, so I just walked in. I saw Aria Emily and Spencer all sitting on the couch and Aria was crying. I walked over and said
"I'm sorry, it wasn't what it looked like I promise Aria please!" I pleaded
"I thought you loved me, but you just go around kissing people like its nothing!" Aria scream cried. I just slumped a against the wall, slid down and started balling. Then I felt someone touch me, so I looked up and it was Spencer
"Come upstairs" she said, grabbed my hand then, brought me upstairs to her room and shut the door.
"Can you explain what happened?" She asked me
"I was sitting waiting for Aria to come pick me up when,I heard the doorbell ring. So I went to get it thinking it was Aria but it was Caleb. We stepped outside to talk and he told me he came back cause he missed me, then he kissed me and he wouldn't pull away fast enough to not let Aria see. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't let go" I explained starting to cry again and Spencer let me cry into her shoulder.
"I understand why she's so upset, and now Emily's probably going to hate me too, and it's all going to be messed up again, because of me again" I say
"Han don't say that, they don't hate you, you did nothing wrong" Spencer says rubbing my back
"Aria won't even look at me Spencer. You know how it feels to loose your girlfriend, I don't wanna loose her, I love Aria so much" I say crying still
"I do know how it feels, but you won't loose her, and I'll make sure of it cause I love you" Spencer said
"I love you too" I say and lay in Spencer's lap and cried.

Arias pov

I was still crying but Emily was comforting me
"I don't know why she would do this to me. I thought she loved me and cared about me" I said
"She does Aria" Emily said
"Oh yeah? If she did she wouldn't be cheating on me with Caleb" I said. Emily didn't know what else to say, so she just rubbed my back.
I was so angry, and the anger kept building up, so I ended up screaming
"Hanna Marin we are done!" Then I heard someone come out of the room and look downstairs, it was Spencer "Aria, Hanna loves you! What the hell are you doing?!" Spencer screams
"She cheated on me, and that means she doesn't love me, so I'm done with her!" I scream back
"You don't even know what happened!" Spencer screamed again
"Yes I do, she kissed Caleb. So I don't want anything to do with her!" I scream
"Well then get out of my house!" Spencer screamed. I looked at Emily she was starting to tear up. Then she mouthed ' I'm sorry, I'll call you' I nodded then left, tears rolling down my face.

Spencer's pov

After I kicked Aria out I told Emily to come upstairs. Then I went back to my room where I found Hanna, frozen with tears streaming down her face. I sat down and hugged her
"I'm so sorry" I told her
"You had to, its okay" Hanna managed to get out. Then we stopped hugging when we hear Emily come in.
"Are you on Arias side or ours?" I ask
"Hanna cheated on her, who's side do you expect me to me on?" Emily asks crossing her arms
"I told you Spencer, they both hate me" Hanna says
"Well maybe if you didn't cheat on Aria-" Emily started to say, but I cut her off
"She didn't cheat! Caleb kissed her and wouldn't let go. She would never cheat on Aria. If she did, she wouldn't be like this!" I screamed
"Oh" Emily said softly
"You really think I would cheat on her?" Hanna asks Emily
"No I don't" Emily answers
"Well you did, and now I lost my girlfriend because of asshole Caleb. Who I broke up with cause I wanted you, but ended up with Aria who now hates me" Hanna says still crying
"She doesn't hate you, I promise" Emily said
"I'm sorry I kicked her out, I just couldn't take it anymore" I said
"It's okay, but I really want her back and she won't listen to me or Spence, so can you go?" Hanna asked Emily
"Of course, that's not even a question" Emily answered
"Thank you" Hanna said, her crying slowing now
"Hey it's what friends are for. So I better get going, I don't know how long it will take, so just text me whenever" Emily says getting up
"Okay, I love you" I say
"I love you too and I love you Han" Emily says
"I love you too" Hanna says burying her head into my chest, and Emily walked out
"I am like your mother aren't I?" I say laughing
"Yeah you are" Hanna says laughing for the first time in what seems like forever
"Are you hungry?" I ask
"I don't have an appetite right now" Hanna answers
"You have to eat something, let's go see what I have" I say grabbing her hand and pulling her up
"Fine mother" Hanna says. Then we walked downstairs to my kitchen and looked to see what we could eat

It all started with truth or dareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora