"Hefty Hanna"

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Hanna's pov
Lunch was over and I was walking to my class when I heard someone say my old nickname.
"Hey hefty Hanna" the person called, and I knew that voice by heart, it was Spencer. I never thought it would get so bad where she would seriously call me that. I got so upset that I ran to the bathroom locked my self in the stall and cried.

Aria's pov
All of us including Spencer had English together. Emily and I walked in together expecting to see Hanna but she wasn't there, but guess who was? Spencer. Emily sits right next to me with Hanna on the other side of me then Spencer. s
So we sat down and started class. After about 10 minutes Hanna still hadn't come so I tapped Emily "where's Han?" I asked
"I don't know she might be in the bathroom I'll ask if we can go" Emily said
"Okay" I responded
"Mrs. Montgomery can Aria and I go to the bathroom?" Emily asked
"One at a time girls" my mom answered
"Mom I need to go and Em needs to go" I replied getting annoyed
"Rules are rules Aria" Spencer butted in
"You know what Spencer just shut up it's none of your business anyways" Emily said
"Girls just go but you better be back in 5 minutes" my mom said
"Okay thanks" I said then Emily and I ran out of the classroom.
"Where do you think she is?" I ask Emily
"I know Hanna and I know her hiding spots" Emily said
"Bathroom" I said then we ran to the bathroom opened the door and went inside. We didn't see her
"Hanna" I called
"Hanna are you here it's Em and Aria" Emily said. Just then we heard one of the stalls unlock and the door open, it was Hanna and she had tears falling down her cheeks. We walked over to her and hugged her tight.
"Han what happened what did she do" Emily asked
"It's funny how we all know if one of us is upset it's because of Spencer, she was our best friend just 3 days ago she cared about us or so we thought and now she's acting like Alison but 10 times worse like the names she called me are the same but the way Spencer says them are just horrible" Hanna said still teary
"What did she call you?" I ask
"Hefty Hanna"Hanna responded trying not to cry
"I didn't think she would go that far, wow han you're not that you never where and you never will be, I love you're body you're legs you're stomach you're hair face just everything you're beautiful and don't ever forget it" Emily said smiling
"Wow are you hitting on my girlfriend? I think I was supposed to say that cause hello that's one of the reasons I fell in love with her" I said and Hanna just laughed.
"But the most beautiful thing about you is youre heart you're so sweet caring thoughtful and everything in between" I said then pecked her lips.
"Oh and sorry i made it look like I was hitting on you, its just the truth I mean hello I'm attracted to girls and you're seriously one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen" Emily said
"Oh only one of them how many are there" Hanna asked jokingly
"Four" Emily answered
"Let me guess me Ari Alison and ugh the bitch" Hanna said
"Yup I'm not going to steal her away Aria I see your face I don't have a crush on Hanna she's just pretty" Emily said
"Guys stop flirting especially in front of me hello!" I said laughing then we all ended up laughing
"I hate to kill the fun but your moms going to kill us If we don't go back" Emily said
"No she won't I promise I'll make something up" I said
"Okay good because I don't want to go back" Hanna said. Emily went to the sink to fix her hair and even though she could see us I whispered in Hannas ear "I love you so much"
She then pulled me into a kiss. I opened my eyes a little and looked at Emily, she smiled then I went back to concentrating on Hanna. Then we heard the door open and we shot apart but it was too late, Spencer was us.
"So it is true" Spencer said
"What's true?" Hanna asked
"That you downgraded from Emily to Aria you legit downgraded" Spencer said while using hand motions.
"Spencer just shut up and leave" Emily said
"Oh and that's so sweet making out in front of Emily I'm just surprised you can actually reach her aria since you forgot to bring your step stool" Spencer said smirking
"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Hanna screamed
"Oh no I'm scared someone protect me hefty is about to attack" Spencer said sarcastically
"Spencer! What the fuck is wrong with you!? What the hell has gotten into you?! Just 3 days ago all of us where your best friends and I was your girlfriend! And you threw that all away because of a kiss?! Wow oh and using Toby to get me jealous that's just classic because all it's doing is making me hate you even fucking more! You're seriously ruining your own fucking life not ours! You should seriously think about what your doing to the people you loved and cared about and the other way around. Seriously Spencer you need to think about this!" Emily screamed. Emily never cursed like ?that unless it's big I'm so shocked she did that. We all looked over at Spencer she was just frozen.
"Spencer you need to leave" I finally said. She Obeyed and without a word she left.
"Em are you okay?" Hanna asked rubbing her back
"Yeah I'm fine it was just hard to hear she said that and hard for me to say what I said" Emily answered
"I know it must have been, but I think she listened to you" I said
"How? she didn't apologize or anything" Emily responded
"That's the point she didn't say anything because she didn't know what to say" Hanna said
"Yeah cause she has only heard me curse like that when I'm drunk only once, and now I'm sober and on top of that I was cursing at her" Emily said
"True, lets ditch the rest of school what do you say?" Hanna asked
"I'm in" I say
"Deffinatly" Emily said, and Emily never usually ditches so I'm guessing she really wanted to. So we all walked to my car since they both stayed at my house last night and they left their cars at my house, we drove back to my house and just hung out.

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