Date Planning

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Hanna's pov

I was in Arias arms when I felt someone shaking me.
"Han wake up" I opened my eyes to see Spencer in front of my face
"What time is it?" I ask
"8, we've got a lot of planning to do" Spencer said
"Can't it wait ,I'm tired and I don't wanna get up"I say
"Han do you want a date or not?" Spencer asked
"I do, fine I'll get up"I say rolling my eyes
"Here I'll help you so you don't wake the princess"Spencer said
"Hey, only I get to call her that, but okay" I said and Spencer grabbed my hands and pulled me up.
"How long have you been up?" I ask her
"Since 6:30, I couldn't sleep cause I was too excited" Spencer said as we walked to the kitchen and sat down at the island
"You're crazy you know that right?" I ask
"Yeah I figured that out a while ago" Spencer answerd smiling
"Okay so what's the plan?" I ask
"Well we should have a house date first, so we'll make it really elegant with candles and lighting in your house and here" Spencer said
"Wow that's great, but why did you have to wake me up early to tell me your already set plan?" I ask
"Cause it's not compete yet, I need your finishing touches" Spencer replied
"What do you mean?" I ask confused
"Like I'm the planner of what we're gonna do, and you're the planner of how it's all going to happen" Spencer sxplained
"Oh okay so we should start after breakfast, we tell them that we both have to go somewhere for a little bit, and they should go hangout. Then we go to my house, get it all set, come back here and get it all ready, then I go home and we call them saying to come over and they walk into a beautiful elegant room with food, candles and stuff" I said
"And this is why you're so smart" Spencer says
"Shut up, my smartness is hidden for only specific people to know of" I say smiling
"And I have hidden stupidness, like I wouldn't be able to come up with what you just did" Spencer says
"Yeah well it's a talent" I say
"Stop bragging" Spencer said laughing and I started to laugh too

Emily's pov

I woke up and rolled over expecting to see Spencer but she was gone. I got disappointed and worried a little bit. I got up and walked downstairs where I saw Aria on the couch but no Hanna.
"Aria" I said shaking her
"What?" She said very groggy
"Where are Hanna and Spencer?" I ask, she looked to where Hanna supposedly was and shot up
"I don't know" she said sounding worried. Just then we heard laughing from the kitchen
"I found them" I say
"Yup lets go" Aria said as she got up and we walked into to kitchen
"You guys almost gave us both heart attacks" I say
"Yeah seriously" Aria said still having a worried look on her face
"I'm sorry ,we just woke up early" Hanna says as she got up, walked to Aria and kissed her
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere baby" Hanna said and hugged Aria
"I'm sorry we scared you. I woke Hanna up to do something with her, I love you" Spencer said and kissed my nose
"What am I chop liver? Aria gets lips and I get nose that's not fair" I say pouting
"I was getting there" Spencer said and crashed her lips into mine and put her arms around my hips.
"I love you" I say when we parted
"I love you more" Spencer says
"And I love pizza more, just kidding Ari" Hanna said laughing
"You really had to kill the moment didn't you?" I ask laughing
"Seriously that would've went on for hours, and I have to be somewhere and so do you miss Hastings" Hanna said
"oh yeah I almost forgot Han, and I have to do some stuff for a little while. Sorry for leaving so early but we gotta get a move on this" Spencer said
"Wait why?" I ask kinda upset
"I'll make it up to you tonight, I promise we won't be long" Spencer said kissing me again
"Don't leave please" Aria said
"Don't worry munchkin, I'll be back soon then you'll have me all to yourself" Hanna said kissing Arias nose
"Okay, I love you" Aria said
"I love you too" Hanna said then kissed Aria and started to walk towards the door
"Bye cutie" Spencer said to me and kissed me
"Bye babe bye Han" I say
"Bye Ari bye Em" Hanna says
"Bye I love you both" both Spencer and Aria said at the same time and we laughed and they left out the door.

Hannas pov

Spencer and I got to my house and my mom wasn't there cause she was on a business trip in New York for a couple of days so we just started to get my house ready
"I thought we where going to have breakfast" Spencer says
"Well I changed my mind" I answer
" you're weird but anyways,Do you have candles?" Spencer asked me
"Yup in the cabinet over there" I say pointing to to cabinet
"Okay" Spencer said and got some candles
"Wait what food are we going to have?" I ask
"Don't worry, I've got that covered" Spencer said smiling as she put the candles on the table. Then she started to get some pans and ingredients for what food she was going to make.
"You're cooking?" I ask surprised
"Yup and you have everything I need surprisingly" Spencer answerd
"For MY date? You know this isn't yours right?" I ask
"I'm fully aware of that Han. We have time to get to my date, but I want yours to be perfect and since you can't cook, I'll cook for you" Spencer said while turning the oven on
"Spence you don't have to do this, you should be focusing on your own date" I say
"I want to do this Han you're my best friend and I need to help my best friend get ready for her first date with my other best friend" Spencer said
"I love you" I say as she puts chicken in the oven
"I love you too Hanna" Spencer said
"I would never be able to live without you and I'm serious. Another week of us not talking I probably would've started to hurt myself or gone to the way I was when Ali was still here" I say tearing up, and I try to wipe my eyes but Spencer saw, so she walked over to me and pulled me into a hug and I was crying on her shoulder
"Don't say that you would hurt yourself, you're too pretty to have that, and I'm not going anywhere I'll always be here for you don't worry Han" Spencer says rubbing my back
"Thank you Spencie" I say and let go of the hug
"You're welcome hanna banana" Spencer says. Just then I got a text from Emily saying that they where going to Emily's house
"Em and Aria are leaving your house and going to Ems" I say walking over to get plates and glasses
"Okay perfect timing, and the chicken is ready, but you're going to have to re heat it and we'll make the other stuff at my house and you'll bring some back here" Spencer says turning the oven off
"Okay let's go" I say and we both walked out the door, to my car and drove to Spencer's house.
After we set up Spencer's house and made food which I helped with a little, we planned how we where going to do this.
"So you're going to go home and text Aria to come because you really need her to come now. Then you surprise her with the elegant dinner" Spencer says
"You're a genius" I say
"I know, and I'm going to do the same for Emily. So you should go home and get ready, but every so often text me and I'll text you" Spencer said and gave me the food
"Okay thank you so much Spence, I owe you and I'll text you I promise" I say
"You don't owe me anything for a while. I still owe you for what I did" Spencer said and hugged me
"No you don't, but I'm not going to argue cause I have a date to get ready for, bye Spence" I say and walk to her front door and she follows
"Bye Han text me" Spencer says as I open the door and walk out
"I will" I say and I get into my car and drive to my house.
I got to my house, went to the bathroom, took a shower and got ready for my date with Aria.

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