Spemily Together

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Emily's pov
Hanna and I where at my house, we ordered pizza and now we where eating.
"Thank you" I told Hanna
"For what?" She asked
"Everything, staying with me, comforting me, trying to make me laugh when the worst thing has happened" I replied
"Youre welcome that's what best friends are for, and for the record Aria would've done the same and so would Spencer, if it was in a different situation" Hanna said.
"Yeah I know" I said and looked down.
Just then we heard a knock on the door
"I'll get it you stay here" Hanna said
"Okay" I replied. Hanna got up and went downstairs to get the door

Spencer's pov
After I knocked on the door, we waited until someone opened the door. It was Hanna.
"What are you doing here?" she asked sounding mad
"I need to apologize to Em" I replied
"She doesn't want to see you" Hanna said
"Please just let me in" I said begging now
"No" she said and tried to shut the door but aria stopped her.
"Han just let her go" aria pleaded
"Since when are you on her side?" Hanna asked
"Since she told me why she ran, and if you let us both in I'll tell you why" aria said looking at me for approval and I nodded.
"Okay fine she's upstairs, and you better not hurt her again" Hanna said and let us in.

Emily's pov
I heard Hanna open the door and start talking to someone. Once I heard the voice I automatically knew who it was. They where practically screaming at eachother and I got scared so I wouldn't hear anymore of it, I closed the door, sat on my bed and started to cry. Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, so I wiped my tears as best as I could and waited. Someone knocked on my door so I said "come in" when the person opened the door it was spencer.
"Hey" she said
"Hi" I answered my voice raspy from crying
"Are you okay?" She asked worried
"No how could I be my best friends are fighting and the love of my life hates me" I said crying again. She walked over to the bed and sat next to me.
"You really think I hate you?" She asked
"Well I don't know you left when I confessed that I was in love with you, so what was I supposed to think?" I said looking down.
"Hey Em look at me" I looked up and faced her.
"I don't hate you, I could never hate you, you're sweet beautiful caring and a whole lot more" Spencer said rubbing my back
" really?" I asked
"Yes really and the reason that I left was because I panicked" she said
"Why did you panic?" I asked
"I didn't know how to react because for a couple of months now I've been feeling differently towards you and I realized I was in love with you, but since I'm a Hastings I was like this can't be possible that I'm gay or bi and I didn't want to accept myself. So when you confessed I was still confused so I went for a drive and thought about it" Spencer said
"What did you decide?" I asked
"I decided that I don't care that I'm a Hastings and I don't care what people think, I'm in love with Emily fields" she said smiling but before I could answer she spoke up again "but after Aria found me she told me how upset you where and I thought you would never in a million years forgive me, and I was crying so hard that Aria had to drive me here." She said tearing up
"You really think I would hate you or never forgive you?" I asked
"Yeah I did and I still kinda do" she said now tears streaming down her face. I tried to wipe them off with my thumbs but they just kept coming.
"Spencer Jillian Hastings of course I forgive you and also so you like me back?" I asked
"No" Spencer said and I looked down confused and upset
"I love you Emily" she said and I looked up and we both smiled. She cupped my face with her hands and kissed me, it was short but it felt like forever but she finally pulled away.
"Wow" I said
"That was the best kiss I've ever had" she said
"Well this one will be better" I said and with that I pulled her into another kiss and this one lasted longer.
"I have one question Em" Spencer said
"What is it?" I asked
"Emily Catherine Fields will you be my girlfriend?" Spencer asked
"Of course!" I screamed then hugged her really tight.
"We should go tell Han and Aria so they're not worried that one of us is getting hurt" Spencer said
"Yeah we should" I replied and she intertwined her fingers with mine and we got up and walked downstairs.
"Spencer Hastings I swear if you hurt her I will rip your head off!" Hanna screamed as we went downstairs and we started laughing. We walked into the kitchen and Spencer said "Hanna I don't think you're going to have to do that, did I hurt you em?"
"The total opposite, you fixed me" I answered
"So you're not upset with eachother anymore?" Aria asks
"Does this answer your question?" Spencer asks and grabs my face and kissed me.
"Yup I guess it does" Aria answered laughing. I noticed that Hanna was looking down playing with her bracelet so I asked "Hanna are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine just got into a fight over text with Caleb and I'm happy for you guys" Hanna responded and smiled.
"So it's really late now do you guys just wanna crash here on the couch?" I asked
"Okay Thanks" aria responded
"Sure" Hanna said sounding annoyed but I just ignored it
" I will on one condition" Spencer said
"And what's that?" I ask
"I get to sleep with my girlfriend" Spencer responded
"Of course" I said and pecked Spencer on the lips.
"Okay enough kissing let's go to sleep"
Aria said
"Oh yeah right there's blankets and pillows on the couch, we'll be upstairs" I responded
"Okay thanks goodnight lovers" Aria said jokingly
"Well we are lovers because we love each other Aria, anyways goodnight Aria night Han" Spencer said and Aria said goodnight but Hanna just waved and we went upstairs got in bed and went to sleep.

It all started with truth or dareDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora