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"Ma'am, I've been saving up for this for years now," you said demandingly yet monotonously. "I can cover any costs needed. And I've been learning the language. I'd be fine there."

"You really are a persistent one, aren't you, Y/n?" the lady behind the desk chuckled.

You stayed silent.

"Fine. I'll arrange your transfer to Japan. I'll cover all the costs as a thank you for your good behaviour and help during your time here," she said, smiling.

"Thank you," you said, a rare smile resting on your face.

"I'll get you a plane for next week," she said.

You nodded and turned around to leave.

"And Y/n," you heard the woman call.

You turned around as a sign you were listening.

"Stay strong."


A week later, you were outside the foster home, getting final pointers from the lady.

"There will be someone to pick you up from the airport. And your new home will be close to your dream school, U.A," she said.

"Thank you," you said once again. "I'm off now."



You stood in front of your new room's door.

"School will start tomorrow. Settle in," the man said and left for some business.

I'll finally go there... 

Crysthere (BNHA/MHA X OCish Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now