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Finally, All Might managed to hand the medal from Bakugou's mouth.

A few days later, classes started right back up again and English was as boring as ever.

"Y/n Sabishi from class 1C, please report to the principal's office," a voice echoed.

You raised your brows, standing up. Cool, cool.


Walking in, you saw the teacher of class 1A also there.

"Hello," you greeted, black eyes still observing the room.

"Hello, Y/n. Please take a seat," the principal said, gesturing to an unoccupied chair.

You compiled.

"I called you in to ask you a few questions," the principal said.

"Go ahead."

"Can you please describe your quirk? In your application, it only says the name of it. Crystal Blocker."

You nodded. "To put it simply, there are two parts to my quirk. One is making crystals out of my arms, elbows down. The downfall of that is that if my crystals get damaged, my arms get hurt between elbows and shoulders. They might even bleed.

The second part is blocking or erasing - whatever you want to call it - people's quirks. To activate it, I have to get physical contact with the person. It also works if I manage to touch the person with my crystals. The only downfall of this is that it drains my energy, making me constantly tired. To deactivate it, the person has to be out of my field of vision for five seconds. That includes them being behind my back or me closing my eyes. I used the second to turn it off at the Sports Festival."

Principal Nezu nodded. "And who did you inherit the quirk from?"

I don't understand why they need to know that. "Both of my parents. If I remember correctly, my mom had a crystal quirk and my dad an erasing one."

"Okay. Would you mind telling us about your past?"

You sighed. This is getting off track. "As you know, I'm a transfer student from Europe. Though I was born in Japan. I had an older brother, finding him is my main goal for becoming a hero. The second is to prevent what happened to me from happening to others.

Anyways, when I was three, there was a fire. Both of my parents died that night since my brother was away for his last days of work studies. I'm certain he also came to U.A. Nobody came for some time so I went to find help. Stupid, I know. Following my memory, I tried to go to where my brother had his work study.

Needless to say, I got lost. So I desperately tried to find my way back. Secretly got on buses and trains. Very stupid, I know. I ended up at Tokyo airport and there was this nice lady.

I don't remember our exact conversation but what she heard was 'I have nowhere to go'. Hence, she bought me a ticket and took me on the plane with her.

Later, she changed my last name and I lived with her for a bit. Little me didn't know how to control my quirk so it was deactivated for months at a time, leaving the lady the impression of me being quirkless. So when it activated for the first time and took her quirk away, she was terrified and gave me up for adoption.

Ever since, I refused to get adopted again and worked on finding ways to get back. Fast forward eleven years, I managed to convince the head of my foster home to transfer me here," you finished, rubbing the back of your neck. They don't need to know I was bullied for my quirk.

You narrowed your eyes at the two men. "Now may I ask. Why exactly did you need to know my whole life story? Like I get I'm a student here and stuff but something here doesn't add up. Or I just don't know the full thing."

"We're transferring you to the hero course," the homeroom teacher of 1A informed you. "And we want to help you find your brother so you could solely focus on school."

"Really?" you asked, eyes widening a bit.

"Yes. And I might have a rough idea of who it might be," he said. "For now, go finish your lessons. You'll join my class starting tomorrow."

"Yes, sir. Thank you," you said before going out the door.

"You know, you could just tell her," principal Nezu said.

"Yes. But she has to have time to realise it on her own," Aizawa said, looking at the door. 

Crysthere (BNHA/MHA X OCish Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now