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"Yes. But she has to have time to realise it on her own," Aizawa said, looking at the door.

"You're transferring already?" Shinsou asked. "I thought you'll wait for me too."

You frowned. "Sorry, Shinsou, but like you once said - we aren't here to make friends." Or let them hold you back.


Next day, you were standing behind the door of class 1A.

"You can come in now," you heard Mr. Aizawa call.

"Hello," you greeted.

"You bastard!" Bakugou yelled.

Your eyes flashed red with irritation and you let out a breath, doing your best to ignore the nagging need to knock him out.

"You're the girl who took everyone out at the Sports Festival!" Midoriya said excitedly.

"As I said, Y/n will be going to this class from now on. Treat her like any other classmate," Aizawa said.

"FIGHT ME!" Bakugou yelled.

"As the class representative, I would like to welcome you," a boy with blue hair said, standing up.

You nodded. "Thank you, but you can sit down."

He sat down with a nod.

You looked over the class. "I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, so hello. I currently go by Y/n Sabishi. My quirk is called Crystal Blocker and I'm excited to be in this class."

"If she's excited then she sure doesn't show it," you heard Kaminari mutter.

You glared at him. "Are you saying I have to be overly enthusiastic all the time?"

He gulped, shaking his head.

"Alright, Y/n, you can go sit down. You have until the end of the lesson to think of a hero name since the others did it yesterday. Also, despite being in the General Course you got internship offers. I'll also give those to you at the end of the lesson," Aizawa spoke.

"Thank you," you nodded, going to sit down on the empty seat. Hero name, huh?

---"You demon child! I regret taking you at the airport!"

"Don't you dare look at me, loser! You should be living in the streets!"

"Go away! I don't want you to take my quirk!"

"But it doesn't work that way, ma'am-"

"GO AWAY! I refuse to keep you in this foster home for longer!"


"Poor girl, she lost herself a while ago."

Sleepless nights.

"You could never become a hero!"


"I was so stupid! I miss him so much!"

"You'll be an awesome hero, just like me," your brother's gentle voice said. "And then we can work as a duo."---

You blinked at the table. Hero name... for me? My entire life, everyone has tried to convince me that I'll never become a hero so I haven't given it much thought. It should be something I want to be... Something that I know I can live up to. Crystalocker? No. Brystal? No.

You rubbed your neck. Come on, Y/n, think! What could be your hero name! Something that is just... you. Maybe... Finder? No, that makes me sound like someone with a search quirk... COME ON! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE!?

--- "I want to be the one that helps others find something they've lost!" ---

I was so little... I didn't understand that people could lose themselves. But honestly, they might have been right. Maybe I did lose myself. I don't even know what I want to be... you smiled sadly at the table.

Do I even want to be?

--- "Y/n. Promise me to never give up." ---

Of course, I do! I promised my brother! I can't give up now...

--- "Shota, what is your hero name?"


"That's pretty cool!"

He smiled slightly. "A friend helped me."---

I want to be there for people who need a friend. I- I want to be someone I never had. So how abouuuut... Wish? Nah it doesn't feel right.

--- "Hello, I'm your brother's friend, Hizashi!"

"Are you the one who helped him with his hero name?"

"Yeah! A good one for you my friend would beeeeeeeeeee...-"

"Stop yelling in front of my sister before you make her deaf."---

You smiled at the memories. Crysthere! Why'd it take so long?!

"Y/n," Mr. Aizawa called. "Are you ready with your hero name?"

You nodded. "It's Crysthere." [Pronounce: kristhere/cristhere]

He nodded in approval. "Okay then. Here are your 3000 offers." He handed you some papers since you were sitting in the front row. "Class dismissed."

[I didn't really devote myself to this story so I'm not writing this on. It just doesn't feel right. Still publishing it though. Might write something based on this in the future though :)]

Crysthere (BNHA/MHA X OCish Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now