Chapter 9

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A/N: Here comes the long waited update! Thank you for all your support all these times!

"Jules, wakey wakey!!" I heard a distant voice calling me. The bright sunlight attacked my eyes and I came to realization that someone had waken me up against my will again and that I was going to tear their head off.

I let out a loud groan and turned my head to the voice. It was Tyler, lying at the other side of the double bed, looking very relaxed.

Oh, I won't be so relaxed when I have disturbed someone's beauty sleep, prick.

"Jules, seriously, wake up. It is two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Two minutes," I groaned as I rolled my body to the opposite side.

"You have said it for like, a hundred times, Jules. It's really time for you to wake up," Tyler said and I could sense the annoyance in his voice.

"You are lying. I don't recall," I retorted with a yawn.

"Jules, I am serious. Wake up. We have a lot of planning to do," Tyler informed grabbing my right shoulder and shaking it gently.

"For what?" I asked as I dreamt of Mother Nature cutting off his tongue for my own good.

A loud huff came behind me and Tyler yelled, "Jules, today is your birthday!"

That's when it hit me: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!

I immediately sat up from my bed, turned my head to Tyler and yelled, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't think you would be a nerdy girl with such a bad memory! Seriously, if you are nerdy, at least be smart or intelligent!"

"Whatever," I mumbled under my breath, kicked off the blanket and jumped down from the bed. "Damn right we have a lot of things to plan. Let me just clean up. I'll be done in a jiff."

"Good, I will meet you downstairs with the family," Tyler replied as he exited the room.

A side note for Tyler: Gabriel and you are not related to anyone in this house.

I jumped into the bathroom and cleaned myself. I took a quick shower and put on the comfy sweaters and worn-out jeans. I quickly tied my hair into a ponytail and when I was done, I went downstairs to see Dad, Tyler and Gabriel setting up banners and balloons for the party.

"Hey, how can I help?" I asked and all three heads popped up.

"There comes my favourite birthday girl!" Dad exclaimed with a large grin on his face. Seriously, he seemed a lot more excited and happier about the party than me. Then he turned to Gabriel and said, "How is the food plan going?"

"Very well," Gabriel answered.

"What food plan?" I asked. "Dad, I thought you were cooking."

"I was, until you three took the party to a whole new level," Dad said with a small smile. "I am glad you took my advice, Julie. You totally stepped up."

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, Dad," I began frowning, "But I don't know what the heck is going on right now." I told him. When I noticed my lovely 'cousins' looking away from my gaze, I yelled, "Tyler? Gabby? What did you do?"

No one answered but I didn't give up. "Gabby, spill," I demanded adjusting my tone to ice cold.

"I swear we didn't do anything, Jules…but-"

"But?" I asked impatiently.

"But the whole thing happened by itself so fast that we couldn't put a stop to it!" Gabriel said. "Like you predicted, inviting the most popular gang in school attracted everyone in our year to the party…"

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