Tyrant's Motives

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It's all peaceful at first.....

The freely drift in the sky while the sunlight reaches to everything beneath it. While it casts shadows on the angle, its warmth benefits the living beings on both the lands and sea. Tirpitz doesn't have anything to do with how peaceful the Iron Blood base in the northern region is, but she still sets out to the coast fondly gazing up the sky.


That brief moment tranquility is cut short from Tirpitz the moment a small missile launches towards the sky. Its source is from either the base or somewhere outside the base. Rather than fly straight to the sky and explode, the missile curves heading towards the very center of what the base is encompassing.


It detonates midway when its outlines glowed brightly and it unleashes what appears to be translucent plasma energy and sparks emit from its main component. The pulse from its non destructive detonation doesn't even damage the surroundings....until the onshore defenses and the radar are all immediately shutdown, rendering them completely useless.

"What's....happening?" Tirpitz sees something is amiss

The signal towers explode from its foundation and collapses, cutting communication to any shipgirls outside the base. Even the radar tower isn't spared as it suffers from simultaneous detonation, making it impossible to use even if they regain electricity on the base.

"Huh? Approaching ships? How come I can - something's wrong"

The mass produced ships guarding the base are all inoperable now and even the radars are ensured to be unusable to the point of demolishing it. Tirpitz's radars and sonars are functioning normally, causing her to be confused to why only the vicinity of the base is affected.

"Tirpitz!" Prinz Eugen notices something
"Eugen, what just happened? I saw a missile launched from somewhere near the base and the towers started collapsing" Tirpitz couldn't help but feel concerned
"Someone detonated our radars and most of our communication towers. They want us to be completely blind and deaf"
"Outside attack? There aren't many shipgirls here and I'm the only battleship" Tirpitz clicks her tongue
"I'll try to radio for reinforcements. Our radio tower is still up"

Prinz Eugen wastes no time and hurriedly leaves Tirpitz side to return to the base. She sails away as fast she could with the risk of a possible enemy raid. It's common sense to realize an enemy is responsible for sabotaging them but unsure to how they could infiltrate the base.

"This isn't going to look good for Iron Blood. More importantly, Tirpitz is going to throw herself into danger. I can only hope she'd be able to hold the enemy herself...."

Seconds after Prinz Eugen leaves Tirpitz side, she sneaks a glance on Tirpitz staring at the horizon as if she's waiting for the enemy's arrival herself. Prinz Eugen shakes her head as her eyes alone expresses her displeasure at the situation....and what appears to be pity for Tirpitz.


As soon as Prinz Eugen leaves the area, shells fired from large caliber guns in a distance far from their field of sight rains down on the base. It's a full salvo, but the power of those high explosive shells are twice more destructive than what a normal battleship is capable of. In fact the appearance of the shells are designed to appear black and futuristic like the ones Sirens us. Another salvo rains from above and successfully hits more facilities and even the anchored ships.

"A bombardment! Where-!"

Tirpitz turns away from the horizon towards the base seeing fire immediately spreading everywhere and black thick smoke begins to engulf half of the base after the second barrage. Only when she turns to face the open sea that she spots a distant figure of a shipgirl, a battleship with suspiciously the same armaments as her.

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