Moment of Solace

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It seems even surviving has its meaning too......

Tyrant loses her left arm while her right shoulder, forearm, and right side of her abdomen are both pinned to a ship container by broken off steel pipes. Even with a critical injury, Tyrant remains tolerant of the pain, but she couldn't conceal how it's affecting her by the sweat rolling down her cheeks.

"No good. You're inferior compared to Bismarck. Well, she's no longer in her peak form like you. Your foolish sister couldn't even exceed seventy percent of her original capacity anymore"

The reconstructed Siren turned puppet, [Aurelius], speedily types in a floating holographic keyboard in front of her. Three large screens floating at her head's level inputs both the words and numbers without delay, logging every detail she seems necessary. For a puppet mostly created from a Purifier model, she prefers to observe and collect data rather than "purify" unnecessary variables.

"It seems there are discrepancies with both you and your sister's memories. Just inconsistency in future recollections and only has an eight percent impact"
"Nngh.....what do you want....?" Tyrant gasps for air

Burning sensations spread on the wounded areas, but she refuses to scream, let alone groan in pain. It's her refusal to acknowledge her terrible defeat at the hands of a mere puppet.

"For you to live as long as possible. To patch up a failure of a META like you, a Leviathan provided another source for you. In basic terms, you're only alive because of the fuel" The puppet wags her right index finger
"To study the potential of the Bismarck class. Bismarck is powerful even when her history engraved is her beating up an aging battlecruiser. They say you have potential but is wasted with your reclusive nature" Aurelius clicks her tongue
"You're wasting your time. I'm not worth the effort. Even Iron Blood had given up on me....."
"That self-deprecating attitude is why you're so weak. No wonder you lost to a mere puppet"

Aurelius raises both hands and swipes on opposite directions to remove the screen hindering her sight on the defeated battleship. Tirpitz is completely injured from head to toe while the puppet herself is free of even a single scratch. Not even her lab coat is dirtied.

"You want to defeat Bismarck, but your body is burning out with each fight. Even if you manage to defeat her, you'll still die" Aurelius shakes her head
"My life wouldn't change anything even if I die. That's why defeating Bismarck is all that matters"
"You're too stubborn to die. Both you and your sister. Bismarck just miraculously survived out of sheer willpower"

Aurelius gleefully snaps her fingers and displays an image of Bismarck META still standing in her two feet even when her body and rigging are battered and at the brink of collapse.

"What is it that you wish to accomplish? There's a reason you're still persisting in this world" Aurelius removes the screen and walks towards Tyrant
"......" Tyrant refuses to speak
"Don't tell me your wish is not in this timeline but in the past....."
"What You already know I'm going to crawl my worthless past.....and meet my pathetic normal version" Tyrant tries move her arm but couldn't
"You're still yearning for that light - freedom from the very shackles in your heart"
"My bad. A salvaged Siren like me isn't good with human tendency to exaggerate words to make it sound more poetic and romantic" Aurelius bends down
"However, you wouldn't die easily and peacefully. You're fated to die.....and repeat the same mistake. After all, you're just a failure who couldn't undergo true metamorphosis"

Being insulted and degraded as a fake and failure doesn't sting Tyrant as evident by her being more concerned at her right arm. She has no left arm, and her right forearm is pinned, so she couldn't free herself from being stuck.

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